Many things happen that make it seem like it's the end of the world. You begin to wonder "how can I make it through this?" A part of you wishes that the earth will just swallow you up. Of course, that would make things easier than having to go through what you currently have to go through.
You spend many days with confusing emotions back to back - smiling, crying, happy, sad and angry simultaneously. The cycle continues and you begin to wonder "will this ever end?" It's a crazy place to be, I tell you, but the truth is
1. Everything is working together for your good.
2. God will not put on you more than you can bear.
3. He's an ever present help in time of need. That means he's with you in that situation and he's the only reason why you've not lost your mind or your life through it all.
4. You can never have a better yesterday.
5. Everything that has a beginning has an end. This too shall pass. You will not feel this way forever.
6. God will give you double for your shame.
7. Tables are turning in your favour.
There's this song I heard recently titled "Live through it" by James Fortune. It will encourage you greatly.
You can't afford to give up on life now. You can't afford to give up on yourself now. You can't afford to give up on you now. Push through the rugged situations. More glorious days lie ahead. You can only experience them if you live through it.
Remember those dreams you had of becoming great and of a great future? They will all come to pass if you don't give up now. Stand up. Dust yourself. Take each day as it comes.
Learn to live again.
Learn to love again.
Learn to dream again.
Take a leap again.

P.S - It's good to be back on the blog again. I apologize for the long silence. I got busy with life and all. But by God's grace, I'm back for good. Definitely missed you all.
If you're reading this, it means you're more than a conqueror and God has kept you. That's all that matters. Learn to count your blessings, not your losses or struggles. XOXO