
Sunday, April 26, 2015

You Are Perfect the Way You Are

Hello beautiful,
Today, we commence a new column tagged SUNDAY SPECIAL on the blog. It's a variety column packed with lots of stuff to make your Sunday as well as the rest of your week more blessed. Today's topic YOU'RE PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE is a short charge to refuel your soul for the week. Happy reading.

As long as the earth remains, people will have opinions about you. Some will think you’re too skinny or too fat, too short or too tall, too shy or too bold, too this or too that. Some will think you’re awesome and others will be like “Pwah! She no fine jor!” (meaning: she’s not beautiful). As a popular Nigerian pidgin idiom goes “na dem get their mouth” (meaning: they are entitled to their own opinion). You cannot continue perceiving yourself according to their definition of you. They did not create you and therefore have no right to define you. The one who created you says concerning you that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).

No matter how you look, God created you intentionally to suit his purpose. You don’t have to win awards as the finest or the most beautiful, all you need to do is accept yourself the way you are. Stop wishing you were taller, bustier, fairer etc. This line of thought drains your confidence and zeal for life and shifts your focus from fulfilling purpose to looking for the nearest remedy to what you perceive as faults. Come on! There are better things to spend your money and time on than constantly looking for something to enhance your physical looks.

Who Told You That?
Genesis 3:11 says “Who told you that you were naked?...” This was a question God asked Adam after he and his wife’s eyes were open to their inadequacies and they ran to hide themselves. Since the days of old, that ancient serpent the devil has been trying to get us into situations where we begin to think we’re inadequate and lose our God-confidence. But the same question God asked is what I’m asking you today - Who told you that you were too this or too that?

Reject every definition of you that is not from God and that does not align with God’s definition of you. Colossians 2:10 says “and you are complete in him… (Christ Jesus)”; you see, you’re perfect in Christ. I come against every negative label, every insultive, abusive, and negative word ever spoken against you to your hearing in the name of Jesus. You are not what they say: you are perfect in Christ. Believe God’s definition of you and it will set you free from negative name tags previously spoken against you in Jesus name.

Write down these words boldly on your bedroom wall, your screen saver or anywhere you can look at it daily – I’M NOT TOO THIS OR THAT, I’M PERFECT THE WAY I AM BECAUSE I’M PERFECT IN CHRIST. May the cobwebs of the past be removed from your perception of yourself that you might begin to see that you are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made in Jesus name. Have a fruitful, productive, positive surprise filled week.

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P. S - How to Spot THE MAN continues this Tuesday on our Column MAN TO WOMAN. Paul Aliyu shares six more tips on how to spot the right man for you. Keep a date with us. 

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