Hello Sis,
How’s the cold weather
treating you? Hope it’s not causing you any trouble. I’m enjoying the weather
cuz this is my favourite season of the year. You know why? It does my
complexion much good *wink*. Today’s post is dedicated to all those ladies who
are already in a relationship and don’t know for sure if you’re with the right
man. Not to worry. Here are 5 signs that will help you know if the man you’re
with is good for you or not.
#1 - He can’t handle your weaknesses
Every human on the earth
has weaknesses. The right man for you is specially graced by God and experiences
to handle, tolerate and love you with your weaknesses. He will be kind to you
and patient with you in the areas of your weaknesses as he encourages you to
get better. Your weaknesses are not a deal breaker for him. He knows them well
and accepts you the way you are. He even adapts to you by becoming a help in
the area of your weakness. For instance, if he knows your weakness is late coming,
he devices ways to ensure you come early by waking up hours ahead and when you
occasionally slip, he won’t kill you for it.
If you’re an ambitious
woman or a woman with dreams, the right man for you is one who celebrates and
supports your dreams. He is not threatened or intimidated by what you have
achieved or will achieve. He constantly finds ways to support the advancement of
your dreams. The wrong man for you is anyone who has a preset view on what a woman
should do and is trying to remake you into his dream woman. For example, some
men believe a woman shouldn’t work; others believe she should leave whatever
she is doing and manage one of his business outlets, become a nurse or anything
that he chooses. They have no respect or regard for your dreams/purpose. If you
value your dreams, you shouldn’t be with such a man because he will just end up
choking you to death.
#3 – He can’t handle your temperament
Everyone has a
temperament; some other people call it personality.
The wrong man always complains about the things in your temperament that makes
you who you are. God made us all who we are. Our background and experiences
also contributes to who we are. When I say temperament here, I mean those
aspects of you that are natural or core to you. For instance, if you’re a
naturally reserved person, the wrong man for you is one who complains that
you’re too quiet. If he wants a boisterous person, he should simply go for one!
If you’re a lively person, the wrong man is one who complains that you’re too
lively. The right man loves you the way you are; whether you’re lively or
reserved. He may complain if you take it out of proportion, but he basically
accepts you as you are.
#4 – Fans you into foolishness
The wrong man for you is
any man who encourages you to do stupid and foolish things that are against
your personal principles and bring out the worst in you. If he always
unconsciously or consciously brings out the worst in you, he is not good for
you. Check your life since you met him; has he brought out the best, the worst
or the foolishness in you? The answer will tell you if he is the man for you or
Iron sharpens iron; the
right man’s presence in your life over time will make you a better, more
refined, more fruitful woman. A man of worth will add to you tremendously with
time and I’m not referring to money. If all he is contributed to your life so
far is getting you addicted to booze, clubbing, sex, twerking etc., sister,
he’s not good for you.
Please note that every man is good, but not every man is good for you as a person. You may like him a lot and he may love you to pieces but you may both be unsuitable for each other. Water and fire are good individually. However, both do not mix because one quenches the other. The wrong man may not be bad or nasty as a person but when the two of you come together, the combination is unsuitable or sometimes lethal. When you let go of the wrong man, you open the door for God to lead you to the right one.
P:S – Over to you dear reader. Can you think of any other signs? Add them in the comments section.
Do you have any private issues you want to raise or discuss on life, relationships, work etc.? Would you like to
advertise with us? I'm just an email away! Email me on graceyokoye@yahoo.com
Evidence Grace is
the founder and head-blogger at Sister 2 Sister Nigeria. She's
passionate about seeing people get it right in life, destiny and
marriage. A woman of many gifts, and talents, she is focused on
fulfilling God's purpose for her life, becoming
ALL God has
fore-ordained her to be and spreading the gospel to the ends of the
earth. Her marital status? Keep your fingers crossed.

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