Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Twists and Turns-Episode 3

Episode 3

Iye ran to the window to check out the source of the noise, she suspected it was Tamuno but she had to be sure it was her. The car came to a screeching halt that made even Bukky block her ears.
" Who is the mad man now?, she queried and to answer her question, the door opened and Tamuno stepped in screaming their names excitedly as if they were not standing in front of her.
" Hey babes what's up? My God, I had the fun if my life today. Bukky I can't stop thanking my stars for making you my friend. How else could I have had such an opportunity huh!" She flung her bag on the bed ignoring the stunned look on her friends’ faces.
"Tamuno who brought you home and why did you want to pluck out our ears with such a noise huh?" Iye asked aggrieved.
" Oh please spare me o, can't I have fun again? You will thank me if you know who", she said pulling off her shoes while Iye exchanged confused looks with Bukky.
Bukky felt something was not right, she jumped from the bed and went to have a look at the car and suddenly her knees went weak, her hands felt clammy and she needed to support her weight before her legs betray her. She had not yet composed herself when the door opened gently and that devilish grin was on his face again. A million questions ran through her mind but her tongue felt glued to the roof of her mouth.
'What in God's name is he doing here and why was he with Tamuno and how come he had a wide grin instead, not looking guilty at all? Could he have gotten what he wanted from her?’, Bukky thought to herself as she felt a gag in her throat and a rumble in her stomach as if she would puke the next minute. Tamuno cared little about love but she was all for fun and pleasure especially when it involves cute, rich guys like Osas. Oh dear God don't let it be true.' She thought she would faint when he confidently gave her a hug.

Tamuno rolled her eyes in jealousy but then she was not a betrayer, she only met him on the road and she was shocked when he asked if he could take her out for lunch, she had said yes before realizing she should have turned him down. Well she didn't sleep with him though she knew she wouldn't have the strength to say no to him if the opportunity ever came up. She had not heard the gist of his last date with Bukky so she didn't know what transpired. Bukky was too innocent for him but the stupid girl was too naive to see that and no matter how she tried to tell Bukky that men are not worth the stress, she still went about like a love sick princess in search of her prince charming. “Prince charming my foot, there are no princes and there is no such thing as love”, she thought to herself. She used to be that naive but not anymore…

Being in JSS 3 felt like being the most senior student of the school. They delighted in breaking all the rules there was to break from wearing tight and short skirts instead of the knee length ones the school provided. The senior boys had eyes on them and oh, how they loved the attention they got. Even though she was a big snub, the only guy she liked was Bayo, the labour prefect. He seemed like a very good guy and she honestly thought he liked her. She usually felt her skin crawling in excitement whenever he approached her. He always had something nice to say to her and though she looked like a naughty girl, she was still very naive.
She always imagined him being her boyfriend though she knew he liked her as a younger sister. Her friends teased her frequently, always telling her that her school father is a bully and she always defended him by saying it was because they were not doing their labour work.
On the day of her final JSCE exams, they were to go home after a night party thrown by the social prefect to send them forth. She was so excited when Bayo pulled her aside, she knew the senior girls hated it when their mates paid more attention to the younger girls but she cared less. She felt like Cinderella when out of all the girls at the party, he chose to dance with her. That was the best day if her life until she discovered something was not right. The light had gone dim and the music was slower, she felt him pulling her closer and dragging her in a certain direction until she realised they were in the inner room of the social center.
" Senior Bayo, why did you bring me here, let's go and join others. My friends might be searching for me now", she said in a panicky voice as she felt his ragged breath on her neck.
"Tamuno come on girl, you know you are safe with me and I will not do anything to hurt you." He said running his hand down her spine squeezing her closer to him.
" Yes but why are you doing this?", she asked trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.
" Because I love you, because I am crazy about you and I can't bear to lose you when you leave. Believe me, I have had sleepless nights thinking about you", he replied without letting go of her.
"Really?", said Tamuno as she noticed her voice sounded like someone else's. Something told her to push him away but his hand held her firmly, he put his hand under her skirt and even a fool knew what that meant. He touched her roughly and she struggled to pull away begging him to slow down, she even tried shouting but she knew no one heard her because of the very loud music. She cursed and begged her pleas fell on deaf ears, muffled by the hormones raging within him. The memory of the pain she felt not just in her genitals but in her heart felt so fresh as a loud voice brought her back to reality

To be continued….

P.S: Twist and Turns continues next Tuesday. Read, invite friends to read and share cuz it's only gonna get hotter. 

Read Older Episodes Here 

Episode 1

Pheobe Omiwole is a motivational speaker and a talented writer who uses her pen and voice to affect the world and the lives of men. She also has a personal blog where she writes really inspiring stuff. Check out her blog on  http://www.pheobeomiwole.WordPress.com

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