Yes ooo. I bet you didn't realise that the way a lady does her make up says something about her? Well, this post is set to open ya eyes *wink*. Read it and see how true it is and which applies to you.
1. Bold make up
If she's fond of wearing bold make up, especially bold red lips (or any other bold lip colour) , it shows that she's bold, fearless and not afraid to be herself. She also doesn't care about people's opinions about her.
2. Light make up
If she's fond of wearing light make up, it shows that she's a conservative and reserved person who likes to look good but doesn't like drawing too much attention to herself.
3. No make up
A lady who hardly uses make up is one of two things. It's either she belongs to a religious sect / church which does not allow make up or she doesn't know how to make up. Simple! This may also mean that she never 'tear eye' with regards to global trends. No offense meant. It's her face and she has a right to do whatever she likes with it.
4. Trendy make up
A lady who does trendy make up (rave of the moment make up) is one who keeps up with trends, is up to date and doesn't want to be counted as backward in any way. So, if purple lipstick is the rave of the moment, whether or not if fits her, you'll find her rocking it.
5. Different make up styles (bold, light and no make up). A lady who uses different make up styles is a lady whose different moods reflects in / guides what she does. This doesn't apply to her make up alone but to every other areas of her life.
Interesting isn't it? It's amazing to know that the way a lady does her make up says a lot about her. Do you agree with it? Do you see your self in any of these categories? Leave your comments. Plus, share with someone around you and see what they think about it.
Have a splendid week.
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Evidence Grace is the founder and head-blogger at Sister 2 Sister Nigeria. She's passionate about seeing people get it right in life, destiny and marriage. A woman of many gifts, and talents, she is focused on fulfilling God's purpose for her life, becoming
ALL God has fore-ordained her to be and spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth.
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