How's 2016 been treating you? I hope you're still filled with faith and positive hope for the year. I wanna assure you that God's got great plans for you. All he needs from you is to position yourself and BELIEVE. Despite all you've experienced so far, this will mark the beginning of the best years of your life in Jesus name. This is the season where God has arisen to fulfil every promise and prophecy he ever made concerning you. This is not a time to scoff or remain bitter. It's a time to believe him like a baby and demand the fulfilment of God's word in your life. I know that at the end of 2016, you and I shall stand with a truck load of testimonies in Jesus name.
Now to the post of the day...
Yes sweetheart, THERE IS NO PERFECT MAN. In the ideal world, men are perfect. In the real world, men are good but with defects and so are you. I know you may have great expectations concerning the man you will marry or the man in your life. But if you fail to understand that there is no perfect man, you will discard a good man in search of what doesn't exist. On this side of the universe, there is no perfect person. God will not send you a perfect man, but he will send you a good man who is suitable for you. What does this man? He will send you a man who blends with you, who you can work with and whose weaknesses and shortcomings you can manage. With time, and with God, you will both be like iron sharpening iron as you motivate each other to get better daily. As long as his short comings are not a deal breaker for you, stay with the one God has given you. As long as you're willing to walk together and work together, grace is available to make it better.
I know you prefer a tall dark handsome man, but what if the one God has prepared for you doesn't fit this description? It's not an excuse to say no. You're not the most beautiful girl in the universe yourself. Don't throwaway a good man in search of a perfect man that doesn't exist. How do you know he's a good man?
1. He fears God and is submitted to him. God's word is the Supreme authority over his life.
2. He accepts you, your dreams and God's purpose for you and supports you in it.
3. He's real with you and values what you say. He allows you influence him positively. He is a man who can take correction (a man who thinks he knows it all is a dictator and a vehicle headed for destruction).
4. His shortcomings are not deal breakers (things you can't endure).
5. He has a focus in life and pursues God's path for him in destiny.
6. He's not lazy.
7. He let's you be yourself, sharpens you positively, and his presence in your life makes you keep getting better.
8. When you think of a future with him, you know you can spend a life time with him and be happy.
To the single ladies
When it comes to choosing a life partner, you need God's guidance if you must get it right. God may not speak to you with a loud voice telling you 'this is your husband' but he will make it clear to you. Stay prayerful and receive his direction. Stay connected to the man of God (pastor) he's given you to watch over you. You will not miss it in Jesus name.
To the married women
The best gift you can give your man is to pray for him. Mix your prayers with faith and God will surprise you. That thing you keep nagging and complaining about, make it a prayer point and watch God fulfil proverbs 21:1 in your life. The change you seek may not come instantly cuz change is a process. And while God works, pray for the grace to keep loving and respecting your man.
Have a sweet week.
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Evidence Grace is the founder and head-blogger at Sister 2 Sister Nigeria. She's passionate about seeing people get it right in life, destiny and marriage. A woman of many gifts, and talents, she is focused on fulfilling God's purpose for her life, becoming
ALL God has fore-ordained her to be and spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. Her marital status? Keep your fingers crossed.

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