Sunday, January 5, 2014

What's the time? Time to set your ATTITUDE right!!!!

So, 2013 came and went with the things that happened in it: the good, the bad and the ugly. How’s 2014 gonna be? I don’t know. We all trust God to make the year an awesome year, don’t we? Now while we can’t control how the year will turn out (except for the fact that we can pray to God about it), there are a few things we can do on our own end.
Have you ever heard the quote that says “ your attitude determines your altitude”? Yea. That’s a very true saying. If you’re gonna fly higher this year, you need the right attitude. So, off we go straight into setting the right attitude.
1)    Enough of the man-hating
Throw away all the man-hating clichés in your head. Delete all the prejudice towards men that you developed due to the entire heart break you’ve been through. The truth is that good men do exist. But if you hold on to the belief that there are no good men on the earth, then your belief will keep attracting the wrong men to you.
2)   Learn how to have fun by your self
You don’t have to wait till a guy comes in to your life to have fun. As you make your bed, you lie on it. Make your life fun this year. Do the things you that make you happy. Make new friends. Affect lives positively. Whatever you do, do not remain idle. The more idle you are, the easier it is for those depressive thoughts to find their way into your head.
3)   Do not compare your life with any one’s life
Yes, you’ve been soooooooooo guilty of that all these years. Make a change in your thought pattern this year. When next you hear of somebody’s progress, instead of comparing your life to theirs and feeling bad, rejoice with them. Many people would trade anything to be in your shoes.
4)   Throw away anxiety and worry
You don’t need both. They only make you more miserable than you should be. With God by your side, all things work together for your good (Romans 8:28).
5)   Believe God for the best
No matter what happens, do not throw away your faith. In the end, what you believe will be performed if not as you believed, but better than you believed.
Luke 1: 45 “And blessed is she that believed; for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord”.
6)   Learn how to WAIT!!!!!!
I know you would like to change your marital and financial status right now but girl, you’ve gotta learn how to wait on God. Going ahead of God, compromising your self won’t pay you in the long run. If you lack patience, ask God for grace.
Voila!!! Now you have the right attitude to go through the year. And in case you forget and revert to your old habits, just go back and reset your attitudes again.
 Shine like the princess you are.

1 comment:

  1. wow this is great can we have it on our our email pls
