Monday, July 7, 2014

Self-Esteem: Something Every Girl Needs

Look in the mirror: What do you see? What You See Affects How You Act. Selah!
Hello Everyone, how’s the month of July treating you? Fine, I hope? As for me, the month is great and will only get greater as the days pass by, even though I still miss my birth month (June). I wish you a splendid July and a testimony filled 2nd half of the year. The theme on the blog for this month is SELF ESTEEM and so all through this month, aside from other blogposts, there will be posts on self esteem regularly. I’ll also be releasing the sequel to two interesting old posts “12 Signs You’re Not Ready For Marriage”and “10 Signs You’ve Caught The Bitterness Virus” within the month so keep your fingers crossed. Now to the topic of the day…
Self-esteem and self-confidence are two sides of one coin that every girl needs. They are like a sweet smelling perfume that you need to wear daily otherwise you may become as repulsive as someone with a very bad case of body odour. Self-esteem is defined as “a person’s overall appraisal of his/her own worth” while self-confidence is defined as “a measure of your beliefs about your thinking capacity, skills and abilities” ( Your self-confidence affects your self-esteem veeeeeeery much. Personally I see self-esteem as a battery that powers our actions and moving with a low-self esteem is like running a mobile phone on low battery; there’s a limit to what you can do with a phone that has a low battery. 

Low Vs High Vs Good Self-Esteem
Too much of everything, they say, is bad and too little of anything is just not enough. Just like having too much salt in a meal makes it almost impossible to eat it and too little salt makes the food bland and simply tasteless, a high or low self-esteem will produce distorted and harmful actions and reactions in your life. One thing an overly high self-esteem does is move you into pride and arrogance. You begin to feel smarter and better than everyone with an “I’m better than you all attitude” and eventually begin to look down on others. A low self-esteem catapults you into shyness and inferiority complex, so you begin to feel you’re not good enough and it eventually zaps you of the confidence you need to succeed in life. A good self-esteem, just like a meal with the right amount of salt and ingredients, is the right kind of self-esteem you need. A good self-esteem is one in which you know that you’re not lesser or greater than anyone but that you’re a unique individual, different from everyone with unique abilities and capabilities. It comes from knowing your strengths and weaknesses and being content with who you are,  knowing that everyone also has strengths and weaknesses, self-respect and also respect for others. I call it the perfect blend.
Why You Need a Good Self-Esteem

A high self-esteem makes you appear proud before others and everyone resists the proud, even God (James 4:6). “Resists” here means that people tend to work against proud people saying things like “who does she think she is? I’ll show her” and God does so too. A low self-esteem makes you appear unintelligent and incompetent and you’ll get passed over most times for tasks or jobs. It also makes you look like an easy target or a prey and so it manipulators and attracts abusers your way. A good self-esteem is simply mwaah! It makes you attractive and confident, easy to roll with and the “darling” of employers. Just like a sweet perfume, it makes you smell nice before the people you interact with. It also affects the way you perceive things and respond to matters by making you know how to handle compliments and criticism. Compliments to someone with a low self esteem sounds like a lie and for those with an excessively high esteem, it puffs them up and makes them more proud. Criticism to those with low self-esteem destroys them completely while it sounds like a lie to those with a high self esteem. Long story short, girl you need to check your self-esteem and make sure it’s not too high or too low.
More on self-esteem as the month rolls by. Stay hooked to the blog. Have a lovely day.
P:S Are you at a crossroad? Do you need advice or counsel on lady issues, relationship matters and life in general?  E-mail me on and I’ll be glad to help.
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  1. Great post! Everyone sure needs the perfect blend!!

  2. Very true sister

  3. Sure ladies. Every girl needs it.
