Hello princess,
Today's post is dedicated to all daughters of God who are meant to be a blessing to their generation and a crown to their husband...
It's a wonderful thing to be in Christ. In fact, some days I wish he'll wisk me away to be with him so I can follow him wherever he goes. But, that's not happening soon cuz he intentionally put us on earth for a purpose. As much as we would love to spend hours in church, doing the things of God, studying the word or praying, there has to be a balance. Sometimes, we use our being in Christ as an excuse to do certain things we ought not to do and that's what we will be talking about today.
Happy reading.
#1 - Dressing Shabbily
Neglecting your dressing simply because you've given your life to Christ does not make you holy or increase your level of holiness. Ceasing to use perfume, beautify your face, or your hair does not increase your spirituality. It only makes you look unkempt and repulsive and will disconnect you from opportunities that will come. Imagine if Joseph failed to cut off his beard and clean himself up before going to see Pharaoh, he wouldn't have gotten audience with him. When Queen Esther finished fasting for 3 days, she had the sense to look good before going to see the king, even though he was also her husband. Selah
#2 - Dressing Irresponsibly
It is true that God looks on the heart while man looks on the outward. It is also true that what you wear does not delete or increase the Jesus in you. But the bible says in Mark 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea...
It's simple - though we're free in Christ, when your dressing / action begins to cause another to fall, you have lent yourself to the tempter and you're inviting the displeasure of God. As much as it depends on you, do not be the reason why someone falls, especially when it has to do with your dressing.
#3 - Failing to get wisdom
Wisdom is the PRINCIPAL THING. It's okay to fast for 40 days and do all those activities but if you must navigate successfully through life on earth, you need wisdom. Even if God gives you the right man you've been praying about, you will lose him eventually because of a lack of wisdom. Wisdom doesn't fall on you by chance. It is not a default human character. You seek wisdom through revelation from the word of God, the Holyspirit, relevant books, experienced wise men and women etc. There is wisdom for marriage, finances, motherhood, etc. Your godliness is not enough. Your ability to quote scriptures is not enough. Pray for wisdom. Seek wisdom.
#4 - Neglect your relationship or marriage
God is our number 1 always. But, he cares about our human relationships and he also cares about your marriage. In the name of giving time to God, we often neglect our human relationships until it gets to the point where we need to call 911. There's time for everything under the sun. If you're finding it hard to strike a balance, ask God to give you the grace you need. As busy as Jesus was, he still had time to attend weddings and visit friends as the need arose. It's time to strike a balance dear. Find a way to carry your loved ones along.
Neglecting your husband's needs sexually and otherwise does not give God glory. If he who cannot provide for his home is worse than an unbeliever, she who neglects her home is an accomplice of the destroyer. Why? She opens her husband and her home up to the devil by making them vulnerable to attacks.
#5 - Taking your health for granted
We bless God for excellent health and divine healing in Christ Jesus. However, that's no excuse to endanger yourself health wise, eat poorly or overstress yourself. The grace of God is sufficient to keep you and wisdom demands that you understand your body and take care of it appropriately.
Voila!!! Now it's over to you reading this. Can you think of more things? Post them in the comments section.
Your comments are always welcome.
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P:S Do you have any private issues you want to raise or discuss on life, relationships, work etc.? Would you like to advertise with us? I'm just an email away! Email me on graceyokoye@yahoo.com
Evidence Grace is the founder and head-blogger at Sister 2 Sister Nigeria. She's passionate about seeing people get it right in life, destiny and marriage. A woman of many gifts, and talents, she is focused on fulfilling God's purpose for her life, becoming
ALL God has fore-ordained her to be and spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. Her marital status? Keep your fingers crossed.

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