Monday, March 3, 2014


There’s this thing common to ladies all around the world. We often have this notion that we can “change” a man. We feel we can love the men in our lives into the change we want to see in them. Most ladies have walked this futile path and many are currently on it. But I’m sorry to burst your bubble sis, the truth is: you can’t change him!!!
No human being alive has the power to change another human being. You can influence them, yes. But ultimately, they have to make the decision to change before a change can occur. The decision to change is only one step. They also have to take practical steps to effect the necessary change. And all these efforts to change would still prove abortive without the grace (help) of God.
“So since I can’t change him, what do I do then?” Good question. There are two things you could do:
Option A:     Accept him and learn to live with him the way he is.
Option B:     Take a bow out of the relationship (easier said than done but very possible anyways).
The decision is yours to make girl.
Does this mean you shouldn’t state the things you would like to see changed or improved to him? Of course not. You should let him know. And give him time to change as long as he has decided to change. But while doing this, you must understand that sometimes, change is a gradual process with many relapses which will require great patience from you. “What if he has promised to change but doesn’t seem to be changing?” Babe, I guess it’s time for the moment of truth. You’ve got to ask yourself these questions:
  • ·         Can I overlook this issue and live with him like this for the rest of my life?
  • ·         How long am I willing to wait to see this change occur?
  • ·         Is he making an effort to improve or just stringing me along?
  • ·         At this point, is leaving him the only way to have sanity and peace of mind?
When you’ve truly answered these questions, you’ll know which of the two options to apply. A broken courtship, they say, is better than a broken marriage. Marrying a man hoping that he will change after marriage is one of the dumbest things to do. Marriage doesn’t change people. Only God can. My advice is, if you’ve talked about it, prayed and even fasted about it and he still aint changing and you still can’t accept him that way, take a bow girl. Leave him for the girl who can accept him that way. After all, “one man’s meat is another man’s poison”, they say.
Love y’all.
PS: Now that you’ve read this, do a sister a favour and share this on all your social media profiles. You never can tell who’ll be needing it.


  1. Sometimes, the Holy spirit may want to use you as an instrument for his change, so its not always right to bail out. If you have to take a bow, pray about it first & done hasty.
    I love this Evidence. Bless u.

  2. @Anonymous: Very well said. It's always right to prayerfully make an effort first before we do otherwise. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to share with your friends.
