Thursday, May 8, 2014

2 People You Need To Fall in Love with this Season

Shout out to all the wonderful people reading this blog
Being in love or falling in love is one of the sweetest feelings in life. You know what I mean: the euphoria, the enthusiasm, the joy, laughter, fun and fuzzy feelings that go with it. Some of us are even in love with “the feeling of feeling in love” so much so that we just can’t stay without being in a relationship. But this time there are two people you need to fall in love with and it’s not what you think.
#1 Person – GOD

We all know God loves us. We all like to say “I know God loves me because he’s been very kind to me”. We all like to be the “beloved”, someone special before God. But it’s time to make a switch. How about becoming a lover of God? You’ve been falling in love with all kinds of people. How about falling in love with the one who knows just how to love you right and touch you in ways you’ve never been touched before? There’s something about falling in love with God: it satisfies that deep ache in your soul for the kind of love no human being can ever give; the kind that liberates you from that human tendency to demand from humans what only God can give. The truth is, humans are imperfect and fallible so their love for you is also imperfect and fallible; it can change at any time. But God’s love is everlasting.

 Falling in love with God also increases your capacity to give or receive love. In other words, it enhances your human relationships because it makes you kinder and more understanding. It frees you from making unrealistic demands from loved ones (like wanting them to be there for you or available to you 24/7; only God can be there for you in that manner). There’s always this glow about you that makes you so attractive and irresistible when you fall in mad passionate love with God because you know that the greatest one loves you and will never leave you. Trust me, I’m speaking from experience.
#2 Person – YOURSELF

Loving yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself this season. You may not be the finest, you may have flaws and weaknesses that make you cringe. But the worst thing you can do to you is to not love yourself. Stop thinking that you’re not good enough, pretty enough or whatever. There is no perfect person and there will never be a perfect person on this side of the universe. You’ll be surprised to know that that person you envy or wish to be like also has things about them that they don’t feel too good about (everybody does). 

When you don’t love yourself, it reflects in your carriage; your self-confidence and makes you vulnerable to abusers and users who may seek to manipulate you with false love for their gain. It makes you put up with crazy stuff and do crazy things that are harmful to you. You start looking for people to validate you, to love you and make you feel special. No one can give you self-love. Yes, they may love you, but they can’t make you love you. You are a beautiful unique individual worthy of love. As you look inwards you will see how beautiful you are outwardly and inwardly. Make loving yourself a priority this season.
Take a break from running around looking for who to love or who to love you. Make loving God and loving yourself a priority this season and watch how attractive, confident, radiant and alluring you’ll become. There’s nothing as attractive as a woman in love with God and in love with herself. Xoxo
P.S: Keep your eyes glued to our twitter handle @sister2sisterni and our facebook page: Sister 2 Sister Nigeria for more interesting updates this month. We’ve got a lot of interesting stuff coming up this month.

1 comment:

  1. just on point. I pray that we may know the love of Christ which surpasses all understanding so that we may be filled with all the fullness of Christ.
