Saturday, November 15, 2014

4 Signs You’re a Fault Finder

Who is a fault finder? A fault finder is someone who has employed him/herself to find the fault(s) in a person or situation and made a habit/career out of it. Sometimes such people call themselves “critics” etc. but in reality, they’re just bad belle people trying to put everybody down by showing what is wrong with them. Today’s post is a soul searching post designed to open our eyes to this toxic behaviour and habit of fault finding. Before you deny it, rule things out, and justify yourself, read through these with an open and sincere heart.

#1 – You ALWAYS notice what’s wrong in a place or person before you notice what’s right
Aha! If in every situation, you have the habit of noticing what’s not working in a place/what’s inadequate and the flaws in people first before you notice the positive sides (or you don’t notice them at all), you are a confirmed FAULT FINDER. Yes ke! Just like google, all you do is find stuff and unfortunately, it’s only the bad stuff you know how to detect. You’re soo good at pointing out the wrong stuff (which is not too bad in itself if you handle it rightly) but unfortunately, you lack a solution for it and don’t know the right way/manner to communicate what you observe so people are most times pissed at you and what you have to say, even though it’s the truth.

#2 – You complain more than you show gratitude
Ask any positive minded person, complainers are like irritants; hanging around them irritates and dampens your spirit. Even God almighty hates it when we complain and murmur. If most of your statements tend towards complaining about what is wrong too much, instead of finding things that are working in your life to be grateful for, your level as a fault finder is really increasing. 

#3 – You find it HARD to give compliments but EASY to criticise
Do I need to explain this? It’s quite self explanatory. Check yourself; if criticizing comes easy to you and giving compliments and encouragement seems like an upheaval task, it’s obvious that you’re a fault finder (remember, fault finders not only find but focus on faults as well).

#4 – When people compliment others, you unconsciously point out their faults
This one is something that happens unconsciously. If you find out that when people say something good about others, you always have a “but-clause” to add telling them something not so good about the person, you’re a fault finder. When someone says “she’s beautiful, intelligent etc” and you add “but she has a bow leg, flat butt etc”, and you do this habitually, it’s obvious that you are a fault finder. 

Help! I’m a Fault Finder
If you read through these and discovered that you’re a fault finder, it’s time to make a change. The last time I checked, the only accuser of the brethren and certified fault finder/bubble buster is called SATAN. You’re not his offspring so you shouldn’t be toeing his line. If you must point out the negative stuff in situations and people, let it be done in love as 1 Corinthians 16:14 says “let everything you do, be done in love.” That way, they can accept what you say and make a change, because they know you’re coming from the angle of love and not the angle of criticism alone. Take a 360 turn around and learn to focus on the positive sides of situations/people, show gratitude, give compliments and refrain from all those but-clauses. You also have you share of faults that people (and even God) have learnt to tolerate. Have a lovely weekend.

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Coming Up Next Week
-Running on E? Here’s What to Do
-Twists and Turns- Episode 4
-5 Reasons Why a Good Man Will Leave You (Guys Edition: Hear what they have to say. I bet it will blow your mind.)
You don’t wanna miss it! Stay hooked to the blog!!!

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