Thursday, November 6, 2014

5 Reasons Why a Good Woman Will Leave You

Hello there, how’s the month of November treating you? Great, I hope. Slowly but surely, the year draws to an end. My prayer for you is that before the year runs out, that which you desire most will be granted to you.
Today’s post is dedicated to the guys, to help them understand why a woman may end up leaving you, even though she loves you. Most guys believe that the only reason a woman would love you and still leave is because you never hammer (you’ve not hit it big financially). However, this is not always the case, (trust me, I’m a woman so I know) especially if the lady has loved you for years, even while you didn’t have much. So if money is not the reason, then what could it possibly be? Just chill, I’m about to let the cat out of the bag. 

Reason #1 – You Don’t Have a Focus
This is like the biggest reason. It’s understandable when in your younger years; you’re moving here and there trying to find your feet in life. But if at your latter years, you still appear not to have a focus and direction for your life, no woman will want to have anything serious to do with you, even if she loves you like crazy. So, don’t be carried away with the knowledge that she loves you. Find God’s purpose for you/your direction in life and plunge into it. That way, she’ll know she’s not with a vagabond; who wants to enter into a car with a driver that doesn’t know where he’s going to? A good woman will stay with a man who is focused and knows where he’s going to in life, even if he doesn’t have much presently. Quit bending her ears with talks of how you love her and put this in place otherwise, you may end up losing her.

Reason #2 – You’re Becoming More Incompatible Daily
It’s true that misunderstandings are part of relationships but if after years, you still can’t understand each other, and you’re becoming more and more incompatible daily, your relationship will disintegrate fast. Two cannot walk together except they agree (Amos 3:30); if you’re disagreeing more with each passing year instead of understanding each other more, the constant friction will eventually wear you out. Strive to understand each other more and you just might save your relationship.

Reason #3 – You’re Irresponsible

Responsibility is all about knowing what is required of you by virtue of your age/position/duties and meeting it, SIMPLE! Understandably, there will be times when you can’t meet up with what is required of you, not to worry, a good woman understands this and she wouldn’t consider you irresponsible for that. However, if you don’t seem to understand your responsibilities or you understand them but you don’t try to meet them, YOU’RE IRRESPONSIBLE. If you’re financially irresponsible (you’re a spend thrift or you’re stingy and insensitive), sexually/emotionally irresponsible (unfaithful) or any kind of irresponsible, she may be tempted to leave you, even though she loves you. Why? It’s hard to respect irresponsible people and even harder to keep on loving them.

Reason #4 – You’re an Enemy of her Dreams
You may be or claim to be “the love of her life” but if for any reason, you become the enemy of her dreams/vision/aspirations, your love for her will eventually become meaningless. It’s just like telling a parent you love them but you hate their child/children. No parent will remain your friend when you hate their kids. Likewise, even though you guys seem to love each other, your constant opposition will gnaw at the fabric of your relationship and she may wake up one day and leave you.

Reason #5 – You Still Wanna Sow Wild Oats
By “sow wild oats”, I mean living a wild roller coaster life with dangerous adventures which also involves sampling other women. When she loves you, she may stick with you and give you time, hoping you’ll change and quit that life. But if you refuse to man up, get a life and become responsible, all those shenanigans could get too frustrating for her to say. 

There! Those are the reasons a good woman will leave you, even if she loves you to pieces. Love is important in a relationship but if any of these reasons start occurring and you’re not doing anything to remedy the situation, you’ll wake up one beautiful day and she’ll call it quits with you.

So guys, do you agree with these reasons? Ladies, do you agree with these reasons? Are there any possible reasons a good woman may leave a guy that I did not include? Don’t hoard your thoughts; share them via the comments section. 

P:S: Did you like this post? Share it with somebody else to enlighten them; especially the guys so they understand why a good woman may leave them.  

Got questions, suggestions or private comments? Wanna reach me? Facing a relationship dilemma and in need of counsel? I’m just an email away; email me on

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  1. I agree 100%. You are absolutely right! These are all the reasons why I will leave a man no matter how much I love him or he loves me. I am currently in a relationship with the sweetest man I ever met in my life. He loves me so much and wants to marry me. I adore him but I am gradually drifting away from him with the aim of ending the relationship soon... 3 of the above reasons are responsible for me wanting to break up with him...

    1. Aww...sorry about that dear. Have you tried talking things over with him? Let him know that his actions are not only hurting you but making you consider leaving him and see if he will change. It's always good to try to work things out before pulling the plug.
