Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Best Gifts You Can Give those You Love

Happy weekend to us all. Like a dream, the first month in the year 2015 has come to an end. So fast isn’t it? Of course, time waits for no one. Anyway, I hope it was a productive month for you. For me, it was a month of finding my bearing for the year. It’s easy to get caught with demanding from those we love, but today, I’ll like to open your eyes to a few gifts you should give those you love not just occasionally, but always. Don’t worry, they’re not as expensive as you think; they’re things everyone can afford. Happy reading!

#1 – Acceptance

It’s easy to get caught up with the whole “change them/make them better programme” but the one thing the people you love need most is ACCEPTANCE. Acceptance here means that you love them the way they are. This doesn’t mean that you should become a cheerleader for all their nasty shenanigans; it’s okay to dislike their nasty habits but that shouldn’t hinder you from loving them and being there for them. Extend the same grace God gives to you by loving them. While you continually pray for God to help them get over their weaknesses, graciously keep on loving them and allow them time to change at their own pace.

#2– Speaking the Truth Always in Love

For those you love, you are like a mirror that helps them see themselves clearly and truthfully. Quite frankly, speaking the bitter truth may be a difficult task sometimes, but you still owe it to them to speak the truth at all times. However, this is not a license to dish out nasty and harsh words. Listen – Manner of Approach is Very Important! When you speak the truth in love, it will help them a lot. So whether it’s the fact that they’re adding or losing weight drastically, have developed a mouth or body odour, or whatever, you owe it to them to tell them; otherwise, you do not really love them.

#3 –Allow them to have ME-Time
It’s natural to want to be with those you love all the time but you must also learn to let them have their own private space and “me-time”. Me-time here simply means the license to be on their own and spend time away from you without you making them feel guilty or hounding them with questions such as “where were you? Why didn’t you come to see me yesterday?” You are not a leech, are you? They may choose to spend their me-time with other friends of theirs and you should learn to respect this otherwise, you’ll end up smothering them with your presence and choking your relationship to death.

#4 – Forgiveness

 Yes ke, I wouldn’t end it without talking about this one cuz aside from love, this is the glue that holds any form of relationship unit together. Those you love will hurt you both intentionally and unintentionally and may or may not apologise/be sorry for it. Sometimes, they may just unleash “their madness” on you for one reason or the other. Just like God always forgives us, you should learn to forgive them and get over it without switching over to revenge mode. If you find it hard to forgive, it’s time to go to God and ask him to give you a forgiving and tender heart. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32).

Have yourself a lovely weekend. Happy new month to us all. 
P:S - Can you think of any other gifts to give to those you love? Share them with us in the comments section. 

Questions? Suggestions? Private comments? Facing a relationship dilemma and in need of counsel? I’m just an email away; email me on
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1 comment:

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