I know the euphoria of the newyear has
worn off by now. Some people have even forgotten the theme of the year and all
the prophecies that were declared. The year is still young; you may have to
revisit where you wrote all those declarations that were made at crossover
service and use them to reposition yourself for the year. Anyways, since we’re
now in the second half of the year, today I’ll like to open your eyes to a few
gifts you need to give yourself for the remaining part of the year. Most of us
are good at giving gifts to those we love - forgetting that the bible says love
your neighbor as you love yourself –which you need to give gifts to yourself
every now and then. So, without much ado, here they are:
comfortable in your own skin
It’s easy to wish you were this or that,
we all do sometimes. But to consistently harbour such thoughts is toxic to your
own well being. It’s just like when your immune system fights against you (i.e
an autoimmune disorder). Make a decision to accept yourself and be comfortable
in your own skin. Make the most of how you look and be at peace with yourself. Not
only will you start to radiate from inside out (yes, confidence is quite
attractive), but you will have more zeal for life, a better attitude and keep
away depression from your life. Wishing
you were someone else is a waste of time and energy; why not live your life and
carry yourself in such a way that others begin to wish they were you???
Newton’s first law of motion says that a
mass/object remains the same until force is applied to it. Except you begin to
challenge yourself, your life will remain the way it is and you will never
achieve your dreams. Push yourself, challenge yourself daily. Accept new
challenging tasks and responsibilities. Do something you’ve never done before. Whether
or not you succeed, your life will not remain the same. You will have acquired
fresh knowledge, and new skills/experience; you would have inevitably become a
better version of you.
Something New
It’s only a mad man, they say, that keeps
doing the same thing and expecting to get new results. Try something new this
year (new does not mean something nasty or outrageous) – you never know where
it will take you. Try doing your regular job/business in a new way. How about
diversifying your business into new horizons? Trying something new may also
include changing your dress sense and personal fashion style, you know.
Forgive yourself! Forgive yourself!!
Forgive yourself!!! Yes, you will get it wrong sometimes and feel like killing
yourself for it. But just like you need to forgive others, you need to also
forgive yourself when you make mistakes. Self-pity is not healthy. Learn to
shake of the dust of mistakes as quick as possible, learn the lessons you can
learn and move on.
the First Step
I wish I could shout it into your ear and mine because of how important this is. The journey of a thousand miles, they say, begins with one step. Find out the first step to achieving your dreams and take it. Don’t wait for the mountain to go to you, go to the mountain. Don’t wait for opportunities to find you, go out and look for them. No one achieves their dreams or goals by sitting at home 24/7 wishing for them, dreaming about them, or praying for them alone. You need to go out and get them. Moreover, God is willing and able to give you what you go after (See Joshua 1:3).
I wish I could shout it into your ear and mine because of how important this is. The journey of a thousand miles, they say, begins with one step. Find out the first step to achieving your dreams and take it. Don’t wait for the mountain to go to you, go to the mountain. Don’t wait for opportunities to find you, go out and look for them. No one achieves their dreams or goals by sitting at home 24/7 wishing for them, dreaming about them, or praying for them alone. You need to go out and get them. Moreover, God is willing and able to give you what you go after (See Joshua 1:3).
Can you think of any other gifts we need
to give ourselves throughout the year?
P:S Do you have any questions or
comments about this blogpost? Do you need counsel concerning
relationships? Do you have any private issues you want to raise? Would
you like to be featured as a guest blogger here? Would you like to
advertise with us? Email me on graceyokoye@yahoo.com
Evidence Grace is
the founder and head-blogger at Sister 2 Sister Nigeria. She's
passionate about seeing people get it right in life, destiny and
marriage. A woman of many gifts, and talents, she is focused on
fulfilling God's purpose for her life, becoming ALL God has
fore-ordained her to be and spreading the gospel to the ends of the
earth. Her marital status?Keep your fingers crossed.
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