Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Trust Issues: How Did I Get Here???

A relationship without trust is like a car without tyres; it goes no where.
As I promised yesterday, today’s post is dedicated to those who have discovered that they have trust issues and they’re wondering why they find it so hard to trust. For some people, they’ve always found it difficult to trust for as long as they can remember. For most people with trust issues, their inability to trust in relationships arose at some point in their lives due to certain circumstances/situations. In the same way that a diagnosis + lab tests enables a doctor get to the root cause of an illness, this post will enable you discover the root of your current trust issues so you can get help and be free from it. Below are five factors that lead to an inability to trust in relationships (trust issues).
#1-Your ex cheated on you or ditched you for another person

Unfortunately, despite all the sweet words and promises to love you forever, relationships come to an end sometimes because one party cheated or your beau left you for someone prettier, taller, richer etc. When this happens, it leaves you feeling empty and broken hearted with an inability to trust in subsequent relationships. You become suspicious because you usually feel your new beau may cheat on you or ditch you like your previous beau did.
#2-Low self-esteem
When you have a low self-esteem, you feel you’re not good enough for the one you’re dating and constantly feel threatened when a lady you feel is more endowed than you comes around your beau. This in turn leads you to display some or all of the signs that show you have trust issues (click here to read the 5 signs that show you have trust issues). Self-esteem is definitely something every girl needs for all round stability. (click here to read self-esteem: something every girl needs)
#3-Someone close to you has been mistreated in a relationship

This is actually the major root cause of trust issues. A lot of people currently having trust issues witnessed firsthand someone close to them (such as their parent, sibling, friend etc) mistreated in a relationship by a partner who was unfaithful and untruthful to them. Even though they were not directly affected, watching their loved ones go through such a nasty experience has made them develop a defense mechanism to prevent them suffering what their loved ones suffered. This eventually manifests as a high degree of suspiciousness and an inability to trust.
#4-You have been unfaithful
People who have been unfaithful previously in past relationships tend to be very suspicious of their current partner’s moves because of their guilt and experience at cheating. They’re quick to identify and suspect actions similar to the ones they used when they were unfaithful and this makes it difficult to trust because they feel they’re about to get played.
#5-You’re a pessimist

Pessimists, as we all know, are people who generally look on the darker side in every situation. Pessimists tend to focus on the negative probabilities/what ifs that may occur in a relationship. For instance, when they call their beau and he’s not picking the call, instead of thinking up positive excuses such as “he’s too busy to answer”, “he probably isn’t close to his phone” etc, their mind immediately races to thoughts such as “he’s avoiding my calls because he’s with another lady” etc.
You Need a Total Mindset Renewal

Now you can see the root cause of your inability to trust, it makes it easier to deal with it. Instead of making excuses to justify your trust issues, acknowledge it and receive help instead. Let go of all that has happened in the past and discard that suspicious mindset. Give everyone you meet the benefit of the doubt. Stop making Paul pay for the sins of Peter; quit judging everyone you meet by past experiences. Allow them to reveal themselves by their actions and treat them accordingly. Speak with a counselor; ask someone to hold hands and agree with you in prayer. Make up your mind to learn to trust again and gradually, your ability to trust will be restored. Your present beau should not suffer for the sins of the jerks that hurt you in the past. Let go of all your insecurities and receive healing so you can enjoy your current relationship. xoxo                                                                                      
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