Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Getting the Best Out of Your Man

 A well is useless only if you don’t have what it takes to draw out the water.

My pipo! I greet una oooooooooo. Hope say this 2015 dey make sense for una well well. Api new month. Dis month, I pray say you go march on top everything wey bin dey march you befor in Jesus name. (Pidgin mode deactivated)
Today’s post is dedicated to those who have a man in their life, whether married or single. If you don’t have a man in your life, no kwalms; you can still learn a thing or two from it and store it up for future purposes. It’s one thing to have a man; it’s a totally different thing to know how to get the best from him by drawing out the well of virtue within him. If you don’t know how to do this, you will end up like one who has a high-tech smart phone that can do lots of things but only ends up making only phone calls with it simply because she doesn’t know how to use it. Here are a few tips that will enable you get the best from your man. If you’re a man and you’re reading this, the same thing applies if you want to get the best from your woman.

Let Go of all Pre-Conceived Notions about Men
We all have pre-conceived notions about the opposite sex which we have garnered over time from family and friends, relationships, personal and peoples experiences, and even movies. To get the best from your man, you have to let go of these notions and watch him to know the kind of man he is. This will enable you to see the areas where he conforms to your general knowledge about men and areas where he is unique without prejudice. Without this, your mind will be filled with stereotypes (usually negative) that will blind you from seeing him for who he is or pervert your understanding of him. This step is an important prerequisite to getting the best from him.

Know and Understand Him

The key word here is “observe”. This is not the time to tell him how you think he ought to act or to judge him; it’s time to observe/watch him closely to know him. This is not an overnight process; it takes time and requires different scenarios for you to observe him better. As you get to know him, you will then get to understand him too. Observe how he relates with God and the things of God, how he does his things, how he relates with people, how he expresses anger, how he handles disappointments, his core values, how he responds to authority etc. As you observe him, take a step further towards understanding him by asking him why he acts the way he does. This will teach you how to relate with him and if he is too much for you, it will also let you know if you need to end the relationship.

Adapt where Possible
After you’ve come to know and understand him via continuous observation, adapt your behavior to suit him where possible. Two cannot walk together except they be agreed (Amos 3:3). See areas where you can modify your conduct and habits to accommodate and suit him. For example, if he doesn’t like peppery food and you’re a pepper person, find a way around it. If he prefers you wearing more of gowns, see if you can accommodate this. Going the extra-mile by adapting is something he will definitely notice and appreciate you even more for. If you value the relationship, then this is a crucial step.

Learn to Overlook
Emphasis on the word “learn”. Overlooking someone’s faults and mistakes is a learned behaviour; it’s not a default behaviour so it doesn’t come naturally. It’s easier to make a fuss over every little matter than it is to overlook. Not everything is worth raising dust over. He will offend you many times over knowingly and unknowingly and so will you. Proverbs 19:11 says “It is to the glory of man to overlook an offence”; that tells you how valuable learning this skill is. For instance, most men will forget your birthday at least once in your lifetime not because they no longer value you but because they were caught up in something and were not conscious of the date. The natural impulse of a woman is to crucify him for it but this could be avoided if you just remind him. The most important thing is that deep down, he loves you. Learn to overlook such things.

Confront with Love
Confrontations are dicey to handle because if they’re not handled correctly, they could lead to quarrelling or even full blown fighting. But it is still possible to confront with love without getting things messy. Find the right moment when he’s calm and relaxed mentally, emotionally and physically to confront him. If you do it when he’s stressed out on any level, the internal stress may lead to him misinterpreting your statements and next you know, you have a fight on your hands. The tone and manner of expression you use also matters. Confrontation is not just about expressing yourself to him; it’s about getting him to understand you. Do a research on handling disagreements in relationships, anger management and speaking the truth in love to get better skills on how to confront with love.

Online Radio Portal
Influence is God’s gift to women; every woman has the power to influence her man and her world. Influence is a subtle form of leadership and it always gets the job gone better than giving orders (dictatorship). Men use more of dictatorship and it works for them but as a woman, if you try to use the same method on a man, it will bounce back on you. You will never get the best from your man if you give orders to him or use a harsh/condescending tone. When you do this, you switch yourself to mama mode and the last time he checked, you’re his lover/wife, not his mama. Influence via politeness (in voice tone and choice of words), sensitivity and wisdom. Do a research to understand more about influence and tap into this power.

Do your Job Always
 You are not in your man’s life as a trophy, monument, drainage system, or a demanding child who only knows how to take and take and take. You’re in his life to HELP him. Observe his life and use your intelligence to see where he needs and provide it. That’s why you’re in his life. The usefulness of a phone is that it does what it is wired to do. The moment the phone stops functioning, no matter how beautiful it is, it becomes useless and is ready to be discarded and replaced. You retain your usefulness in your man’s life when you keep functioning.

Leave the Rest to God
There are some aspects in that man that only God can handle. When you’ve done your best, commit the rest to God and ask for his intervention. Your prayers for your man truly do go a long way before God; they open the door for his intervention and guarantee victory eventually.

Go out there, use these tips and get the best out of that man. The best lies within him already; it’s only when you use a suitable tool to draw water from a well that you get the water you need.

Questions? Suggestions? Private comments? Facing a relationship dilemma and in need of counsel? I’m just an email away; email me on

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