Thursday, June 12, 2014

More Than a Female; More Than a pretty face

All of us are born female but becoming a woman takes a process of time, exposure and experiences that lead us to maturity.
Yayyyyyy! Welcome to the month of my birth…the month that gets me sooo high and gets me feeling like a superstar *wink*. I’m proudly a June baby which means that by God’s grace I’ll be a year older this month. Special shout out to all June babies reading this post. This month, the central theme of all upcoming blogposts is “More than a female; more than a pretty face”. What does this mean? Blogposts this month will be geared at helping you become more than a female and more than just a pretty face. 
 It’s one thing to be a female and a whole different ball game to be a woman. To be a female requires that you be genetically female and probably have those things above and below that physically differentiate females from males. In fact, these days we have transvestites who switch their gender to become female. By the time they’re done with all the clinical procedures, everything about them in the physical would convince you they’re “female”. So you see, being female is tied to your physical outlook. Becoming a “woman”, however, connotes maturity not just physically, but in all dimensions (emotionally, financially, spiritually etc). Can you see the difference now?
What’s Your Selling Point?
In a competitive world like ours, your selling point is the leg on which you stand. And even though we’re all unique and no one is truly completely like another individual, it is your selling point that stands you out and get’s you noticed. Now, when I say selling point, I’m not talking of your physical assets. You know why, someone will always be taller, bustier, fairer, prettier, more sophisticated, even if you decide to enhance you looks via cosmetic procedures.
Don’t just be a pretty face; don’t just have a sexy body; don’t just be another female. No one buys a bottle of coke just because they love the shape of the bottle. They buy it because they love the taste of its content. CONTENT!!! If your physical outlook is like the empty coke bottle, then your character, ability and capabilities are like the content of the coke bottle. Let your selling point be the content within you. That’s what makes you more than a female and more than a pretty face. Don’t get me wrong, being a pretty face is good. But it isn’t enough.
Take Conscious Steps Become More than a Female
This month, take conscious steps to becoming a woman. Remember being a woman has nothing to do with your physical age, size or looks; that’s actually part of being female. Becoming a woman is all about maturity. Expose yourself to anything that makes you a better woman. Change the company you keep if you have to. Read books, attend seminars and programmes that make you better. Work out your dreams, vision and potential. Be beautiful, have some brains/be skillful in all you do so you don’t become a dumb blonde or a beautiful nonsense. Make that money, be resourceful and useful everywhere you go. Find out three things you need to get before you get a man here. You need it on your way to becoming more than a female and more than a pretty face. xoxo
P.S: Keep your eyes on this blog for more posts that will make you more than a female and more than a pretty face this month. Also watch out tomorrow for excerpts from two women’s conferences I attended recently that will surely do you good.