Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Now That You’re Married-Make It Work

Nothing works out by chance; someone has to work it out. Make it work!!!
Congratulations to all the newly-weds and couples reading this. You’re living the reality of what most singles dream and wish for. The more they (single people) see you, the more they pray to be in your shoes. However, with the high rate of divorce these days, it sometimes gets the singles wondering and skeptical of toeing that line. When you got married to your spouse, I’m quite sure that you were all smiles, making those vows, hoping the fairy tale experience of the wedding would never end. When you buy a brand new car, it looks really great; but it’s how you handle and maintain that car that will determine if it will look great and not pack-up in the years to come. The same thing applies to your marriage: you have to make it work. It’s not enough to get married, it takes extra-work to stay married and I mean happily married.
Marital Adjustment Is Important
http://psychologicaldictionary.org defines marital adjustment as the process during which partners in a marriage adapt and change to their new roles in order to complement each other and function as a team. This process ought to start after tying the knot and is widely accepted by psychologists as one of the factors crucial to the stability, sweetness and success of a marriage. Now the two big questions are: have you adjusted to your new status as a married person and are you adjusting to your spouse’s personality daily? 

Yes, your status changed on paper and you probably have a ring on your finger, but are you acting in line with the demands of your new role? There are patterns of behaviour that were tolerable when you were single but will ruin your marriage if you don’t let them go. Such things include discussing details of your marriage that should be kept secret with your “friends”, taking huge/serious decisions especially with regards to your career &finances without consulting your spouse, insisting on having your way all the time, doing things only when you feel like it and many more. Ahn! Ahn! Your new status as a married person does not permit these. Staying out late unnecessarily and having strange friends of the opposite sex indiscriminately will only land you into trouble with your spouse. Don’t be a married person living like a single person; it will gradually ruin your marriage.
Study your spouse, find out what they like, how they like it, what makes them hurt or angry and how they act when hurt or angry. Discover what they like in bed and see how you can bring it on; discover their soft and hot buttons and everything about their personality and temperament and see how you can adjust positively. Find out their love language and speak it. 

Do Everything You Can
Upgrade your looks and your skills all round. Have a regular check to be sure there are no weeds of bitterness, nasty behaviours, unforgiveness and taking each other for granted growing in your relationship. Don’t forget to pray over you, your spouse and your marriage because when men pray, God acts. If people go to the extent of getting “juju” to make their marriages work, why can’t you get yours by “getting God”? Check to see if your communication with each other is not broken and reduced to talks about the kids and what happened at work alone. Take time out of your busy schedule to spend exclusive time with your spouse. If you keep putting the blame on how busy you are, you’ll wake up one day and discover that you guys have become two strangers living as housemates. Just like you regularly check your tyres, your engine oil and the fuel level of your car so you can change or refill them, check yourself and your relationship with your spouse to see what you can do to improve things. It’s quite crazy the attention we give to our cars and jobs to ensure they’re in top shape only to ignore our spouses and marriages. 
Your kids need your marriage to work, last and be sweet; set a good example for them by being the reason they want to get married. As you make your bed, so you’ll like on it. Beds don’t make themselves; people do! Quit complaining the bed isn’t made, quit complaining your marriage is not sweet anymore; make your bed; make your marriage work. The attention you give to making it work will yield a beautiful harvest for you to enjoy. Check out other things that won’t be helpful to your marriage here and here.
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Are you at a crossroad? Do you need advice or counsel on lady issues, relationship matters and life in general?  E-mail me on graceyokoye@yahoo.com and I’ll be glad to help.
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