Thursday, July 31, 2014

Work-Place Wisdom 2

work place wisdom

This post is a sequel to a previous post I did weeks ago (click here to read the initial post). It’s all about tit-bits of wisdom that will help you navigate through the working environment smoothly. Today, as the beautiful world cup month of July comes to a beautiful end, I’ll be sharing 5 other tit-bits that will make you more effective on the job. Have fun reading them but most importantly, apply them to your life cuz wisdom is the application of knowledge acquired.
#6 Avoid Office Gossip
Gossip ruins people
A lot of things happen in the office environment daily and such things eventually becoming juicy news for fueling gossip around the office. It usually starts with a “have you heard…” or “you don’t know what happened…” and before you know it, you’re engrossed in gossip. Whether or not what is being said is true, don’t be caught up in office gossip. Why? You’re bigger than that of course. Not only does it sap your energy and time for better things, it gives you unnecessary info about your colleagues that affects the way you relate with them and eventually hampers your working relationship. Plus, it sets you up for a “dem-say dem-say” trap (he said, she said) when the news eventually reaches your superiors. Serious-minded people don’t have time for gossip. If necessary, you can place a sign that says “don’t come to me with gossip” beside your desk.
#7 Love What You Do

You don’t have to love your boss; love what you do instead. Your boss may not be one of the kindest or most understanding bosses around, but if you learn to love what you do and give it your best, your productivity will greatly multiply. Your level of excellence and creativity increases when you learn to love what you do.
#8 Learn How to Handle Sensitive Information

Without being told to keep it a secret, you should be able to tell which calibre of info at your disposal is sensitive info. Such information should not be divulged, even to fellow co-workers. If you are in custody of sensitive office property such as keys, approval stamps etc, be careful how you handle them so no one uses your carelessness to set you up. Even when you go to informal recreational centres when work is over, be careful what you gist about with regards to your work place, especially as regards sensitive info. Bottom line, what happens in the office, stays in the office.
#9 Do Not Expect Praise

Everyone loves praise, encouragement and the proverbial “pat on the back”. But expecting to receive these as a pre-requisite to effectiveness at work is like expecting to receive birthday, Christmas and new-year greetings every day. Besides, doing things just to be noticed is eye-service. Create a steady profile of effectiveness whether or not you’re noticed and let it be your trade mark. Though you may not be commended always, what you do gets noticed by both your superiors and colleagues and a short while from now, your productivity and effectiveness will announce you; somebody somewhere will recommend you for a better position/or a better deal.  
#10 Google It
You don’t have to know everything; when you’re asked to prepare documents or do something you have little or no experience on, search the internet to find helpful tips. If there are people you know who have knowledge of the task around, call them to ask for directions. The internet was not made just for chatting or social media you know. Join necessary internet forum or communities that are related to what you do where information sharing occurs daily to get latest tips that will enhance your work. If your office lacks internet services, make use of the internet service on your smart phone; anything to get your work done. Wishing you a mind-blowing August as the new month begins tomorrow.
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