Sunday, July 13, 2014

Work-Place Wisdom

work place wisdom

No man is an island; to successfully work with others, you need wisdom!!!
The working environment is quite different and has its own rules and etiquette. To successfully work there, you need wisdom and plenty of it; otherwise you’ll get into a lot of tight corners that will most likely affect you badly. Proverbs 4:7 says: “wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom…” In plain English, wisdom is simply knowing what to do, how to do it, when to do it and when not to take action. Today, I’ll be sharing a few tit-bits that will help you act with wisdom while you work, just five of them actually. More tit bits will come in future posts so stay hooked to the blog to get them all.
#1-Dress the Part

dress appropriately
In acting, actors don’t get to dress randomly; they have to dress according to the part their playing per time as the script demands. The same thing applies to you. There’s a difference between the work place and any other place. I’m sure you do understand that you should dress according to your office’s sector or industry, but it is also important to dress modestly and moderately. You’re not going for a wedding, a party or any other informal event. Avoid loud jewelry (except your work demands it) and provocative outfits that will end up distracting or harassing your co-workers. They came to work too, not to have a sneak-peep of your “assets” and watch soft porn. Except if you’re a hooker on a mission to get customers and you are in need of sexual harassment from your colleagues and your superiors.
#2- Give it Your Bestest Shot

give your best
Yep! If your goal is to soar high in your life, you must give not just your best, but your “bestest” in everything you do, including your work. Every action is a seed, and you’ll surely reap a harvest in due time. Don’t let the fact that your present pay check is not much deter you. Let excellence be your watch word. Someday quite soon, your excellence will get you a referral that will take you to the next level in your career.
#3-Go With Your Shock Absorbers

Oh yeah, just like the shock absorbers found in a car, you need to take your emotional shock absorbers to work with you. Be prepared for anything the day at work may bring. As much as we wish that things will always go smoothly, sometimes, crazy things happen at work. Be prepared for any nasty attitudes your co-workers, customers and superiors may exhibit at work and you won’t be thrown off balance when things go wrong. That’s what shock absorbers are meant for: to absorb shock and make the impact less harmful.
#4-Be on Top of Your Game 

be productive
Don’t be a figure head; strive to be the best at what you do. Get information that will make you better and what you do and apply it. Use the internet, google it if you have to. Expand your usefulness overtime. As the years advance, you should be better at what you do; not the same as or worse than you were years ago. Look for better, effective and modern ways to do what you do and soon, you’ll reap the dividends.
#5-Leave Personal Problems at Home 

leave personal problems at home

I admit this is not easy but it is not impossible either. It’s quite hard to focus on work when something is eating you up and your heart is breaking to pieces. But, it’s necessary for you to find a way to ensure that your personal problems don’t begin to affect you at work. Get emotional management skills; learn to mentally leave your issues at home. How? Watch your thought patterns, block out all thoughts that related to your personal issues, let your thoughts dwell on the task at hand instead. See a counselor, confide in someone that can help if you have to. Ask for grace and pray it out. Whatever it is that will restore your peace of mind, that isn’t harmful or negative, do it to make sure your effectiveness at work is not affected.
Happy Sunday and have an awesome working week.
Are you at a crossroad? Do you need advice or counsel on lady issues, relationship matters and life in general?  E-mail me on and I’ll be glad to help.
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