Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Episode 9

Iye shut her eyes praying with all her heart though she was only whispering. Mark imagined the Story of Hannah who the priest thought was drunk; well, he knew she was pouring out her heart to God.
He drove into the parking lot and Iye rushed out of the car like a wounded lion while he followed her behind. The nurse had already given her directions to where her daughter was so they headed straight for the children’s ward.

Iye entered the ward where two other children were being treated. How could this be happening on her daughter's birthday??? She slowed down as she moved closer to the bed. That was when she felt a presence beside her and she remembered that she had not come alone. Poor Mark, following her to see her daughter when her irresponsible biological father was unreachable.
She slowly held her baby's hand and fresh tears cascaded down her cheeks. She sobbed quietly and felt Mark's hand on her shoulder comforting her. She was glad she was not alone. Mimi (her daughter) was still on drip and sound asleep. She stood up slowly without making a fuss in order not to wake the sleeping girl and they stepped outside for a while.
"Mark, I feel bad for getting you involved in all this. You’ve done enough and..." She choked on the tears that welled up within her, preventing her from finishing her sentence. He placed his hand on her shoulder to comfort her and instead, that lead to an outburst of a fountain of tears from her.
"You have to pull yourself together; you have to be strong for her you know?" He encouraged her in a tender voice.
" But I am s-s-s-scared Mark. What if she d..." "Now that is enough. You have to believe in your prayers. God is in control now. Let his will be done."
They heard a moan from the room and rushed back inside. It was her.

" Oh baby, mummy is here. Are you okay now?" She said seating on the bed holding her hand.
"Mummy!" Mimi called out weakly as tears rolled down her cheeks. Iye was felt as if she would faith; she wanted to be strong but this was her beloved child in obvious pains.
"Happy birthday sweetheart. It’s your birthday remember?"
"It is?" Mimi asked in a surprised tone but then Iye felt bad that she didn’t realize it was her birthday because her daughter was not one to forget so easily, not to talk of forgetting her own birthday.
"Mummy I told Mrs. Fati that I can't sweep the compound because of dust and she made me do it every morning. I didn't want dad to be mad at me again so I did my best. I then started feeling pains in my chest and told her but she said I was a lazy girl and...” “Oh sweety, just rest okay. You don't have to explain to me; just be fine for me, Okay." Iye said with quivering lips wondering where that monster of who called himself her father could be. If she had not come, is this how he would have abandoned her in the hospital?
"I think I have to call your dad again and...” “ Mummy please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone again. That woman does not like me. Please mummy, don't let him take me back." She started coughing and Mark ran to get the doctor.

Iye was shaking all over. Her daughter had equally suffered in her monstrous father’s hand. “He deserves to die.” She thought to herself.  Everything felt like a dream. The nurses rushed past her with a cylinder of oxygen. Her child was gasping for breath and all she could do was stand in shock with tears rolling down her cheeks. The nurses asked them to wait outside. She would have passed out if Mark had not caught her just in time. His strong arms circled her while her body shook, he whispered sweet words that she could not comprehend but hearing his voice was therapeutic. She tugged at his shirt as if her life depended on it. "God why have you forsaken me?" She said more to herself and the next thing she felt was a harsh pull on her arms; she knew who it was already and God knows she was too tired to fight.
"So I called you because your daughter is at the point of death and what do you do? You come to the hospital all lovey-dovey in the arms of a man hugging him so tight as if your life depends on it. Well, I still remember how you could never get enough of me back then. We could hook up and make healthier babies." David said with an evil smirk.
Mark gently released her, and if not that they were in the hospital, he would have punched the daylight out of this the jerk of a man.
"I guess some things don't change huh! Look at you, you look very pitiful and you know what you are? You are such a loser for hurting your daughter. You don't deserve such a precious child; because of your recklessness that girl is struggling between life and death. I don't know what you used to think about me but trust me, I am not the guy you used to know and if you say one more thing about this woman, I swear to you one phone call is enough to put you in your place. It is obvious you are such an irresponsible man; who else would leave his daughter and go get drunk but you? When she is out of this place, Iye will have custody of her and if you don’t like it, go get yourself a lawyer and let's meet in court." Mark said furiously.
"You nerd, you think you can threaten me huh! I can't be fooled. I will deal with you the way I did back then. I am the girl’s father; I do with my daughter whatever I want and you have no right to tell what to do. As for this whore, you are...”  Mark raised his hand but Iye caught it in time to prevent a fight.
"Stop this madness both of you." She said and just then the doctor stepped out.
"Can I talk to the parent of the child please, there is an emergency."

To be continued

The story continued next week Tuesday.

Read Older Episodes Below
Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 8

 Pheobe Omiwole is a motivational speaker and a talented writer who uses her pen and voice to affect the world and the lives of men. She also has a personal blog where she writes really inspiring stuff. Check out her blog on  http://www.pheobeomiwole.WordPress.com 

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