Hello Everyone,
You're welcome to the month of my birth - the best month of the year (according to me). It's my sincere prayer that you and I will experience God's touch in a special way alongside mighty breakthroughs this month in Jesus name. As I thought about the month, these two words dropped in my heart - RISK IT. Gladly, they will form our central theme for the month. I trust God to empower us all to take the necessary risks that will catapult us into the goodies he has for us.
Most of us do not like the word "risk". We don't like doing anything that involves a risk because it involves uncertainty - It's possible to win or lose. But if we stay on the sidelines of life avoiding taking risks, then how do we hope to get the goodies of life?
Everything about life involves a level of risk. We wake up each morning and board the bus to work or school without any guarantees for safety, yet we go out hoping for the best. Getting into business is a risk. Getting into a relationship or getting married equally involves risk. Yet, these are steps we have to take at some point in life.
Yes, there are so many what ifs. So many possibilities like "What if I do the business and I don't make any profit?" "What if we get married and he cheats on me tomorrow?" "Am I sure I can handle this position given to me?" "What if I start that fellowship or group and nobody joins?" Bla, bla, bla... Even though these possibilities are real, they are only one side of the coin. What if you take that step and you actually succeed? Have you thought about it???
To you reading this, just as God said in Deuteronomy 1:6-7 he says to you
“... ‘You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Break camp and move on...." You have stayed long enough around your comfort zone. It's time to take the risks that will lead you into fulfilled promises. It's time to take that leap, that bold step. Don't be afraid of the risks involved. God is working behind the scenes ensuring that you don't miss it. Open your eyes. Take that risk. And by the end of the month, we will all have testimonies to share.
Get ready.
P.S - A bundle of surprises await y'all on the blog this June. There will be new columns, new writers, give aways and lots more. Keep your fingers crossed and your eyes glued to the blog. Xoxo
Evidence Grace is
the founder and head-blogger at Sister 2 Sister Nigeria. She's
passionate about seeing people get it right in life, destiny and
marriage. A woman of many gifts, and talents, she is focused on
fulfilling God's purpose for her life, becoming ALL God has
fore-ordained her to be and spreading the gospel to the ends of the
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Becoming the Woman of his Dreams Pt 2
Becoming the Woman of his Dreams
Got questions, observations or comments? In need of relationship advice? Wanna be a guest blogger here? Email me on graceyokoye@yahoo.com
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