Thursday, March 27, 2014

3 Things That Blind A Lady’s Judgement

OMG!!! What is she up to again? Hehehehe! Well, nothing dangerous. Just hoping that this post would be an eye opener in some way. First I’d like to say thank you for clicking this blog. Here, we serve original content, fresh n hot and we keep it simple. Every click on the blog is worthwhile. Do stop by regularly and don’t be stingy, spread the word to those you know.
Every one (not just ladies) needs sound judgement (the ability to decipher things accurately and make the right choices). Every lady has a sense of judgement and intuition which enables us make decisions. However, this ability could be “blinded” by some things. When this happens, like a blind person, we grope in the dark and make wrong decisions.
11)  Gifts and Kindness 
Every lady loves to receive gifts. We also love it when someone goes out of their way to be kind to us. As humans, we always respond kindly and more favourably to those who are nice to us, especially when they have been consistently nice to us. So, both things (gifts and acts of kindness) usually blind us to the reality of things in relationships. Even when your intuition tells you that something is wrong with this relationship, something else tells you “but he’s been kind to me, he’s done this and that for me”. So your judgement is blinded and when you ought make a decision in the interest of your destiny, future and well being, you make poor decisions instead. Hello dear! Even the devil will lavish you with kindness if that will get you but that doesn’t change the fact that his actual aim is to destroy you. What am I saying? Don’t let kindness blind you into something that’s not good for you.
)  2) Your Age 
The older a lady gets, the more desperate she becomes to get married. Aside from societal pressure and people’s side talks about the fact that you’re still single, if you have always desired to be married, you begin to put pressure on yourself to settle down with whoever comes your way as you get older. This puts you into desperation mode and in turn, blinds you from making sound judgement. Also, when you’re younger, you’re more carefree and may tend to let go of meaningful relationships or opportunities because you feel you have a whole life ahead of you. Bottomline? Whether you are young or old, don’t allow age blind your judgement. Apply patience and wisdom where both are needed.
  3)  Feelings and Emotions
Ladies are more feeling oriented. This means that we act most of the time based on our feelings / emotions per time. No matter what we do, we will always have feelings and emotions. Under feelings and emotions is included love (even though love is not actually a feeling) and it’s counterfeit version, lust. All these things blind us ladies from judging accurately and puts us in the “my mind says this, my heart says this” dilemma. Feelings and emotions are the reasons why a lot of ladies have stayed on in toxic situations / relationships that are slowly destroying them when they should have moved on much earlier.
Take Off The Blind Fold
Are you presently blinded by any of these three things? Take off the blind fold and you’ll see clearly enough to make a better decision. What happens if you refuse to take off the blindfold? Well, you may keep advancing but you’ll surely get to a point where you’ll be injured. Even if you have 20/20 vision, if you’re blindfolded, you’ll grope around like a blind person. No one can take this blindfold off for you. Only you can. I pray for whoever has been blinded by any of these things. May God take off the blindfold and open your eyes to the truth. Xoxo
P.S: Can you think of any other things that blind’s a lady’s judgement?
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  1. Very blesss by this post..more grace to this blog, better things nd better days to come..God bless u

    1. Thanks Vivian Dear. God bless you too. It can only get better
