Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Things that Make Her Lose Respect for You

Today’s blogpost is dedicated to the guys as an eye opener...

It has become a widely accepted fact that men desire to be respected and cannot tolerate continued disrespect, especially from the woman in their life. A lot of times, relationships start out sweet and exhilarating but eventually turn out sour with time for different reasons. One of these reasons is disrespect. I’m not here to justify sudden disrespect in a relationship but to show you the seemingly little things that trigger disrespect in relationships, especially when it’s coming from the woman to the man. You can call them the little triggers that lead to disrespect in a relationship/marriage. For every action, they say, there is a corresponding reaction. Instead of accusing the woman in your life for the sudden attitude of disrespect, you may need to take an x-ray look at yourself to see if you’re triggering disrespect from your woman via your actions.

#1 – You’re Lazy
By “lazy” here, I mean you lack a drive to do what is necessary to advance and improve your social and financial status. And it has nothing to do with being jobless or not having enough money. A woman may be willing to start a relationship with you when you’re jobless or earning peanuts in the hopes that you’ll keep going after better opportunities and someday soon, the story will change for the better. She will even go to the extent of supporting you financially. However, her respect for you will dwindle if you have traded job-hunting and advancement in your career/purpose for sleeping all day and living of her money/stagnation. It’s verrrrryyy difficult for a woman to respect and stay with a lazy man, except if she’s a cougar, of course.

#2 – You’re Inconsiderate
One of the things women love is the ability to be considerate. To be considerate means
- to be careful not to inconvenience others;
- to be thoughtful;
- to think about the rights, needs, and feelings of others;
- to respect other people’s feelings, circumstances etc.
When you’re inconsiderate, you’re the opposite of all these. People who are inconsiderate are brash, tactless, and insensitive in their dealings, so they end up leaving a trail of offences. No matter how much she loves you, if you make being inconsiderate a lifestyle, you will no longer get the best from the woman in your life and by the law of seed time and harvest, you will eventually start reaping disrespect and harshness from your once caring woman.

#3 – You’re Fond of Passing on Your Responsibilities to her
The woman who loves you will be more than willing to assist you and fill in for you with regards to handling your responsibility when the need arises. However, if you make a habit of passing on your responsibilities to her because you’re simply stingy or your continued laziness has made you permanently incapable of handling them, you will have a resentful woman on your hands. Also, when you insist on sharing ALL financial responsibilities with the woman in your life 50-50, you’re gradually eroding her respect for you. Nothing makes you blossom in your woman’s eyes like when you handle your responsibilities like man that you are.

#4 – You Have No Drive to Improve
A woman, by divine design, is designed to beautify, enhance, and transform everything she comes in contact with, and that includes you. Just as she is able to transform a plain house into a magnificent home, raw food stuff into a delicious meal, and sperm cells into a baby, God has placed her in your life to influence, encourage and spur you into become the best you could ever be. If you allow her, she will push you to greater heights in life and destiny. However, nothing is as frustrating to a woman as a man who doesn’t want to improve or rise up the ladder of success. And unfortunately, it erodes her respect for you and that’s when you begin to hear things like “your mates are doing this and that but you refuse to improve”.

#5 – Your Lack of Self-Control
Hmmmmmm!!! Do I need to explain this one? Okay. I will. Most women acknowledge that it is not easy for men to stay faithful these days; however, they also know it is not impossible, especially with God’s grace. Cheating on her once, is a mistake. Cheating on her twice may still be considered as a mistake. But cheating on her thrice makes it a habit, an addiction or a character flaw. Even with a thousand apologies, bribery gifts or i-love-yous, the respect and trust escapes. All she sees you as is a randy he-goat who will probably give her an STD or HIV soon. It’s hard for women to respect a man without self-control, even though they may tolerate him or stay with him because of the kids or the money.

To the men
What you sow, you shall reap. If you keep sowing these actions, you will continually reap disrespect from the woman in your life via words, actions, or outbursts. Even if she is the most patient woman on the earth, she will get to a breaking point eventually and you will not like the outcome. Tie up these loose ends and you won’t be leading her into the temptation to disrespect you.

To the single women
If you’re dating a man whom you’re having difficulties respecting due to these factors, find a suitable time and talk to him about it. Pray for him too, because the ability to change comes from God. Then give him the allowance of time to change/improve. However, if you’ve done both and he still isn’t changing, and you can’t see yourself marrying him like that, you may consider ending the relationship.

To the woman married to a man who she can no longer respect
You’re in for the long haul so there is no going back. I know it’s currently hard to respect him now, considering all that has happened. But there is grace (ability) available in God to honour and respect that man you married, even though he’s not worthy. That same grace is able to transform him into the man you will be proud of. Take your frustration to God in prayer. Tell him how hard it is to respect your husband and ask him for grace to do what is right (respect your husband). Pray that God will help your husband overcome his weaknesses.

Evidence Grace is the founder and head-blogger at Sister 2 Sister Nigeria. She's passionate about seeing people get it right in life, destiny and marriage. A woman of many gifts, and talents, she is focused on fulfilling God's purpose for her life and becoming ALL God has fore-ordained her to be and spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. Her marital status?Keep your fingers crossed.

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Got questions, observations or comments, email me on graceyokoye@yahoo.com 

How to Spot THE MAN 2

Today, on our column MAN TO WOMAN,  which is all about getting a man's perspective on different issues that have to do with women, Paul Aliyu shares 6 more tips on how to spot the man. Juicy tips, I tell you. Read and share with someone around you. 

How to Spot THE MAN 2
Written by Paul Aliyu

This post is a sequel to an earlier post on the same topic. Today, our guest blogger Paul Aliyu shares 6 more ways to spot the man God has for you. To read the previous post, click here. This is one blogpost you need to save on your phone, print out and read it to the point that it sinks into your spirit and your mind. Another thing, do a sister a favour and share this with her. Happy reading.

7. He should be matured enough to recognize you as the “BONE OF HIS BONE” and the “FLESH OF HIS FLESH”
A man that cannot see you as the bone of his bone and the flesh of his flesh is not fit for you. Such a man is unhealthy for you. A man that sees you as the bone of his bone and the flesh of his flesh will not take advantage of you. He will not see you as a woman to be used and dumped. He will not treat you as a slave or maid. He will understand that you both are one. He will understand that existing without you is like living without life itself. He will show and prove to you that you complete him. He will place so much value on you and know you are meant for him without a doubt.
Until he is able to portray all this to you, then understand that he is not mature enough for you and he lacks understanding that you are God’s will for His life.

A man is called the GROOM on the wedding day because he must have GROOMED himself to understand that you are sent to him by God. His spiritual senses should be sound enough to know and differentiate when the Spirit of God is speaking from when emotion and flesh is speaking. By so doing, you will know when he is from God. It also means that your spiritual senses should also be activated. Don’t be driven by emotions but by the Spirit of God.

8. He should be ready to leave his father and mother and cleave to you as his wife
If he is not ready to leave his father and mother, and cleave to you as his wife, it shows he is not a man yet a man but a big boy. He is not ready for marriage yet. The man for you should be matured enough to make good decisions and handle things on his own that will benefit and profit his wife and the family you are both planning to raise. Don’t get me wrong! I am not saying he shouldn’t seek for counsel sometimes, but he should not be a man that runs to Dad, Mum or friends over every small issue in the relationship or home before making decisions on what to do. If he is that type of a man, I’m sorry to inform you that you are dating an “Omo Mummy (Mummy’s Boy).” I advise you give him some more time to stay behind with his parents and take some more milk (and maybe chew some more bones according to Apostle Paul) before considering marriage.

To cleave means that he understands that as his spouse, you are also a major contributor to every decision process in the house. It means he understands that nothing can be done without involving you as his wife. It also means that he understands that you are his partner and nothing goes forward without your contribution. He gives you room when you want to contribute to his life, vision and the family. He should be a man that values your contribution no matter how minute.
Attention! - With respect to this, every woman should endeavor to grow with her spouse. Bridge the gap between you both so that your contributions can commensurate the now. Try not to be outdated. Update yourself with time!

9. He will not be ashamed of you
A man that is meant for you will not be ashamed of you no matter your vulnerability, weakness, flaws, mistakes, etc. You know he is the man for you when he decides to live with you as his spouse despite all your flaws, and to help you with your weaknesses, help you overcome your fears, correct your mistakes in love and humility, and bring out the best in you. Rather than taking advantage of your flaws, he will seek to use that opportunity to mentor and bring out the best in you. He will see the POTENTIALS rather than the ERRORS or DEFFICIENCIES.

10. He will be ready to wait
The man for you will not be in a rush concerning anything (even sex) except he is in doubt or he isn’t sure you are meant for each other. If he is the one, he will be ready to WAIT. The big question is: if he waited all this while till he found you, what more does it cost him to wait patiently till he makes you his (you get married)??? A man that cannot be patient with you now will not be patient with you after marriage. If he is not ready to wait, let him go; and if he is in doubt, then he is not the man for you.
NOTE: At same time, don’t keep him waiting for too long. If you have prayed and you are sure he is the one for you, go ahead. Delay at times can be dangerous! Avoid unnecessary delay.

11. He will bring you closer to God
You must understand that “whatever is from God returns to God.” Relationships or homes are built by God. Seek and desire a man that will always pull you closer to God. Such a relationship will always lean on God for anything and when God is involve, anything can be resolved. When a man is from God (i.e. he is God’s will), he will always seek for God’s will to be done. You cannot accomplish God’s will outside God. A man from God will support and encourage anything that concerns and represents God in your life and relationship.

12. He will make you be at peace, and feel loved and valued
The gift God gives makes rich and adds no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22). The right man will always make you be at peace, secure, loved and convinced in your heart that he’s the one for you. But remember that, “all that glitters is not gold.” As convincing as it may seem, make sure you do it prayerfully and not out of emotions or desperation. The man for you will make you feel valued, loved and peaceful, and priced before his family and friends.

Prepare Yourself Now!!!
A popular Nigerian pidgin idiom goes thus “better soup, na money kill am” meaning “soup that is delicious is the result of the MONEY SPENT on it.” It is also often said that, “nothing good comes easy.”… It is so unfortunate in this present generation that we all want to sleep and wake up the next day with all our needs already served on the table (the already-made generation). Nobody wants to work for anything anymore. We are now in an age where we all want the soup to be super DELICIOUS but we’re not ready to SPEND THE MONEY (as well as time, study, sacrifices, prayers, etc) required. Good things don’t just come; they are worked/prepared for. So also, people now want to dream and wake up the next day and discover their ‘God-sent’ Spouse. It does not work like that; God is not a Magician! “Your PREPARATION will determine HOW WELL you will PASS that EXAMINATION.” Don’t just pray for the right man, BECOME THE RIGHT WOMAN. Work on yourself and on your character so you can become the right woman. Don’t you know that THE MAN also has expectations of what he wants in his wife??? If he can’t see those things in you, he will not make you his wife. May God expand everything you’ve learnt so far and show you how to spot the right man for you and how to become the right woman in Jesus name.

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Keep a date with us next WEEK on MAN TO WOMAN as we share a new juicy topic. What will it be? Keep your fingers crossed to find out. 

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Paul E. Aliyu is a young man who is passionate about God and the things of God. He is a missionary who has been in the mission field in Tanzania and is always willing to yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit. He is passionate about inspiring progress and bringing out the best in youths. What's more, he's single!

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Sunday, April 26, 2015

You Are Perfect the Way You Are

Hello beautiful,
Today, we commence a new column tagged SUNDAY SPECIAL on the blog. It's a variety column packed with lots of stuff to make your Sunday as well as the rest of your week more blessed. Today's topic YOU'RE PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE is a short charge to refuel your soul for the week. Happy reading.

As long as the earth remains, people will have opinions about you. Some will think you’re too skinny or too fat, too short or too tall, too shy or too bold, too this or too that. Some will think you’re awesome and others will be like “Pwah! She no fine jor!” (meaning: she’s not beautiful). As a popular Nigerian pidgin idiom goes “na dem get their mouth” (meaning: they are entitled to their own opinion). You cannot continue perceiving yourself according to their definition of you. They did not create you and therefore have no right to define you. The one who created you says concerning you that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).

No matter how you look, God created you intentionally to suit his purpose. You don’t have to win awards as the finest or the most beautiful, all you need to do is accept yourself the way you are. Stop wishing you were taller, bustier, fairer etc. This line of thought drains your confidence and zeal for life and shifts your focus from fulfilling purpose to looking for the nearest remedy to what you perceive as faults. Come on! There are better things to spend your money and time on than constantly looking for something to enhance your physical looks.

Who Told You That?
Genesis 3:11 says “Who told you that you were naked?...” This was a question God asked Adam after he and his wife’s eyes were open to their inadequacies and they ran to hide themselves. Since the days of old, that ancient serpent the devil has been trying to get us into situations where we begin to think we’re inadequate and lose our God-confidence. But the same question God asked is what I’m asking you today - Who told you that you were too this or too that?

Reject every definition of you that is not from God and that does not align with God’s definition of you. Colossians 2:10 says “and you are complete in him… (Christ Jesus)”; you see, you’re perfect in Christ. I come against every negative label, every insultive, abusive, and negative word ever spoken against you to your hearing in the name of Jesus. You are not what they say: you are perfect in Christ. Believe God’s definition of you and it will set you free from negative name tags previously spoken against you in Jesus name.

Write down these words boldly on your bedroom wall, your screen saver or anywhere you can look at it daily – I’M NOT TOO THIS OR THAT, I’M PERFECT THE WAY I AM BECAUSE I’M PERFECT IN CHRIST. May the cobwebs of the past be removed from your perception of yourself that you might begin to see that you are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made in Jesus name. Have a fruitful, productive, positive surprise filled week.

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P. S - How to Spot THE MAN continues this Tuesday on our Column MAN TO WOMAN. Paul Aliyu shares six more tips on how to spot the right man for you. Keep a date with us. 

Don't forget to hit the share button to share your favourite posts with your family, friends and loved ones.  Xoxo 

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How to Spot THE MAN

Today, we commence a new column called MAN TO WOMAN which is all about getting a man's perspective on different issues that have to do with women. Today's topic is... 

How to Spot THE MAN
Written by Paul Aliyu

The definition of THE MAN in this recent age is a MALE who is above the “teen age”. The question today is, was that God’s perspective or idea of THE MAN when He said, “It is not good for THE MAN to be alone”? WHO and WHAT is the definition of THE MAN God was talking about in this context? If we can have a true understanding of this man, how sweet will our marriages and homes turn out to be! Listen to this: “The fact that he is a MALE does NOT make him THE MAN for you.” So what is the definition and perspective of THE MAN God meant (The Man for you)?

1. Men are not BORN; they are MADE

A man is not the man for you simply because he was born a male. He is the man for you because he has been able to grow himself into a man. Men are first of all born boys then they develop with time into men.
He does not qualify as the man for you because of his age, features or gender. He qualifies as the man for you as a result of what he constitutes mentally, character wise, and his ability to assume and handle the responsibilities of a man. Don’t be so much in a hurry to have the man or else you may end up having a matured boy who calls himself a man who is actually immature and half-baked. Make sure you see those attributes that a man (not a matured boy) should possess in Him. Failure to do so will end you in an immature or premature relationship which can bring about deformity in the relationship or marriage.

2. He will be Real (The Man was formed by God)
When God created man, He formed man. This means He gave him a shape and a structure that made him visible and describable. A man that God has ordained for you will always be real. He will be a man that you can easily define who he is in all ramifications. In other words, he will mean what he says and will say what he means. You will be able to regard him for his words and you will see and take him for WHO HE IS and not WHO HE CLAIMS TO BE.

The man that is meant for you will stand for what he says and take responsibilities for his actions. He will stand for truth, integrity, and honesty so as to live happily with you as the woman of his dreams. The man will not be two-sided or double-faced like the two-sides of a coin. He will be plain and real. His YES will be YES and his NO, NO!

3. He will be God-like (made in the image and likeness of God)
A friend asked me recently, “How do I know if the man is from God? I answered her by asking this question in return: “When you see a man’s child, you know he is the man’s child from the resemblance. Am I right?” she replied “YES!” When God wants to give you (His daughter) a man, He will give you a man that resembles Him. God is interested in giving you His best as His daughter. He will not give to you what will be below His standards. The best standard you can ever get is God’s standard.

The man God has in mind for you is a man that constitutes God’s attributes, nature and character. There is nothing you want in a man that is not in God. So God’s desire for you is for you to have a man that resembles Him; a man that possesses all that you have ever wanted in a man even without telling him (the man). A man made in God’s image and likeness.

NOTE: THE MANUFACTURER (in this case God) will always PRODUCE (give/answer) what will SATISFY the WANTS (taste/prayer points/desires) of the CONSUMER (his sons/daughters); even better that you can ever imagine.


God gave the man and the woman different responsibilities in marriage. Man was made to love the wife even unto the point of death. It’s so unfortunate that the WORLD gives a different definition to the LOVE the WORD of God talks about. Does he love you unconditionally, even unto the point of death? Does he get pissed off at your every offense and want to break up without thinking twice? Does he overlook and forgive your offenses? Does his love for you OUTWEIGH all your offenses? If he does not, then you need to have a re-think and possibly give him more time to GROW INTO A MAN before thinking of a relationship or marriage.

5. He must have discovered his God-given purpose

God decided to create the woman for a man so as to be a help-meet to him. Marrying a man who has not found his God-given purpose will amount to just becoming another woman by his side instead of a “help-meet”.

The primary intention of marriage is for two people (Man and Woman) to fulfill a particular assignment. When that assignment is taken off from marriage, marriage ceases to be marriage. Don’t just seek for any man; seek for a man with a purpose (a vision). Just as people perish for lack of vision, a marriage can perish too for lack of it. There is no point being with a man who cannot define why he needs you in his life. It is said that “Where there is no purpose, abuse is inevitable.” Refuse to be in his life just to bear children, cook for him, wash his clothes, for the pleasure of sex alone, etc. You were equipped beyond that! Don’t just try to be a man’s wife, woman, lab-rat or baby factory; rather, desire to be his help-meet. You have a role to play in his life, vision and assignment.

I always say that, the poorest man on earth is a man without a vision or purpose. A man with wealth but without purpose or vision will soon come to poverty. When a man has a vision and purpose, it might only take time to mature and maybe gather resources for execution of that vision but when all is set, the sky will be his spring board. Don’t just get attracted to his wealth, good looks, phonetics, etc but be glued to his vision and God-given assignment. That is the reason you are in his life. He should be RESPONSIBLE and WORKING (with a PURPOSE), busy accomplishing a purpose or birthing a vision that includes a special role for you as his wife the woman of his dreams.

6. God should be his utmost priority
When God created man, He made man out of dust. Man received life after God breathed into him. Man exists because of the breath God breathed into him.  So have this understanding that the good you can find in any man is because of the fear of God in that man. When you take God out of any man, he is bound to do any kind of evil without feeling any guilt for his actions. Take God away from any man and expect any kind of rubbish from him.

The man God plan for you as a woman is a man that sees God as the essence of his existence; a man with the fear of the Lord; a man that is willing to give everything up but not God. The more of God a man has, the more good you see in him. This makes your relationship with such a man peaceful and enjoyable. You are bound to enjoy marriage to a man whose heart is given to God, owned by God and has the fear of God. Run from a man that puts you first before God. Such a man can hurt you without thinking twice because the fear of God is not in him. God should be the most essential part of a man you desire. It is the God in him that makes him the great and loving husband you seek and desire.

To be continued…

Keep a date with us next week as he shares with us more attributes of THE MAN that will make it easier for you to spot the right man for you.

P:S Did you enjoy this post? Were you enlightened by it? Share it with someone around you.

Paul E. Aliyu is a young man who is passionate about God and the things of God. He is a missionary who has been in the mission field in Tanzania and is always willing to yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit. He is passionate about inspiring progress and bringing out the best in youths. What's more, he's single!

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Friday, April 17, 2015


What to do when you find yourself in a toxic permanent relationship... 

This post is a sequel to previous post I did yesterday which bears the same title (click here to read). Today, I'll be dealing with practical ways to handle a toxic permanent relationship (e.g marriage or family relationship). Here we go!

If people knew better, they would act better. If your spouse or family member knew better, they won't be the source/cause of the toxicity you're experiencing in your marriage / relationship. We're products of the environments we've been raised in and experiences we've encountered. All some people know is how to be toxic simply because that is all they've been through. It's not that they don't love - It's just that they don't know how to relate with you in a healthy way. It's also not your fault that somehow, they've become a permanent part of your life. Besides, hurting people hurt others, especially when they've been hurt all their lives.

Toxic relationships usually involve a lot of abuse (physical, emotional and mental), a lot of name calling, cutting remarks, belittling etc. Hearing such words constantly can be quite depressing and energy zapping. That's why you need to develop the habit of making positive confessions in your private time over your life and future. This will undo the effects of their nasty words and refocus your heart on something positive. When you keep quiet, these wicked words and nasty treatment will begin to erode you like acid. When you speak positive words, they undo the effects of these words and they also shape your future. How much more when the positive words you speak are based on the word of God!

When I say pray, I don't only mean that you should pray for God to change them. Yes, the Lord is able to turn people's hearts (see proverbs 21:1). While you pray and wait for God to transform your toxic partner or family member, you also need to pray that God will give you the grace to go through the relationship without being destroyed. Ask for the grace to forgive them over and over again. Ask God to heal both of you and heal your relationship. Ask him for the grace to stay productive, positive and fruitful even in such a toxic environment. Your situation will turn out for good in Jesus name.

Yes, God is able to do instant miracles and he still does them. In most cases, when it comes to the pulling down of strongholds of the mind such as mindsets, habits and behaviour patterns, it is usually available gradual process that requires a lot of patience from you. Some days there will be progress, other days there will be relapses, but eventually, you will come out strong.

Find something that makes you happy to keep you busy. Whether it's for money or for free, get busy doing something that blesses others and makes you happy. The joy you get from doing it will refill your emotional cup and restore your self-worth; something that is sadly lacking in your relationship. As you water others despite how you feel, God will water your life where it matters the most (see proverbs 11:25).

As difficult as this sounds, God can give you the grace to maintain a positive attitude. Despite the constant flow of provocations, you can't afford to develop a nasty attitude. Your positive attitude and behaviour in the face of toxic provocations is one of the tools God will use to turn things around.

Before you put all the blame on someone else, truthfully psychoanalyse things to see if you have a hand in the toxicity in your relationship and adjust.

All these things are only possible with God's grace. But it starts with your decision to fight the good fight faith by believing God for a change in your relationship. Experience has shown that when one partner in a toxic relationship prays for God's intervention, he usually begins the process of change in you and eventually works it out through you. Do your part and God will do his. I'll be praying for you.

P. S - If you can watch these two films FIREPROOF and NOT EASILY BROKEN, please do. You will learn a lot from it.

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Dedicated to those who find themselves in a toxic relationship they can't get out of... 

All through this week, we've been taking a look at toxic relationships and today, I'll like to take it to a whole new level. But first of all, I'll like to clarify what the topic of the day means. When I say 'toxic permanent relationship', I'm referring to permanent relationships in your life such as a biological relationship (family) or a covenant relationship (marriage) that have become toxic and poisonous to your overall well being. It's easier to handle a toxic relationship when you're single and dating (a temporary relationship). In such a case, if you've tried to sort out the issue with your partner and things are still not working, the next step is to call off the relationship (a broken courtship, they say, is better than a broken marriage) . However, when it's a permanent relationship, it's an entirely different ball game. You don't have the luxury of calling of the relationship and due to this, finding a solution takes a different route.

If you're currently in a toxic marriage, or a toxic family relationship, the first thing I'll like you to know is that you're not in a hopeless situation. God is able to heal your marriage and family and restore it. It doesn't matter how long your marriage or family relationship has been toxic, he is able to turn things around. Maybe you've prayed and prayed about it, and instead of things changing, the toxicity actually increased; maybe the situation currently looks sooo hopeless and you've said to yourself 'things will never change'. But I've come to let you know that it's not yet time to give up. God is able to turn your situation around in Jesus name.

Proverbs 13:12 says hope deferred makes the heart sick...
Truly, enduring a toxic relationship erodes many things from us (see EFFECTS OF A TOXIC RELATIONSHIP). And when it's a permanent relationship and the situation has been so for a while, we lose the one thing that keeps us going in trying times - HOPE. And without hope, you will not make it through the tunnel you're in to the miracle at the end of the tunnel. So before I show you how to manage the situation and secure God's help, I need you to get your hopes back up. Here are a few scriptures I need you to think about deeply and take them as they are without doubting. Take them as God's word concerning your situation; take them as God speaking to you directly.

1. Matthew 19:26 - But Jesus beheld them (insert your name here) , and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
2. Mark 9:23 - Jesus said unto him (insert your name here), If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.
3.John 11:23 Jesus said unto her, your brother (your marriage or family relationship, though currently toxic) shall rise again (shall be restored to perfect condition).
4. John11:25 Jesus said unto her (insert your name), I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead (though his situation is terrible and hopeless and seemingly unchangeable), yet shall he live (he shall have the opposite).

Let these scriptures stir up hope in you and cause faith to rise up in you. For 450 yrs, Israel cried out for a change in their situation of slavery in Egypt without a change. However, a day came and God turned things around. You may have been in that toxic marital or family relationship for longer than you can remember but God is about to shock you this time. Healing is on the way for your situation in Jesus name. Rejoice!!!

You're not unfortunate or unlucky for being in that toxic marriage or family relationship. God has a way out. Just as God turned around Mary and Martha's hopeless situation, he will turn yours around. Read John 11 verse 1-45 to understand what they went through and spark up your hope. Tomorrow, I will share with you practical hr y ways to handle a toxic permanent relationship and secure your miracle. You don't have to leave your marriage or get divorced. You don't have to run away from the toxic situation in your family. God can turn the tables around in your favour. Xoxo

Keep a date with us tomorrow for tips on how to handle a toxic permanent relationship.

Are you in a toxic relationship? Do you have any relationship questions? I'm only an email away. Email me on graceyokoye@yahoo.com

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Yesterday, I talked about how to know a toxic relationship via its signs. Today, I'll be talking about the effects a toxic relationship has on you when you stay in it. Happy reading.

The first thing a toxic relationship strikes at is your confidence. Through physical, emotional, mental or sexual abuse, it erodes your confidence over time making you feel inadequate in one way or the other. Love is kind. Anyone who treats you nastily in the name of love does not truly love you. They may claim they do, but the truth is that people with dysfunctional behaviour cannot love you properly. Bishop Noel Jones once said that a lover cannot love you beyond his capacity to love. A violent man may love you, but will beat you to a pulp because that is his lifestyle. A womaniser will love you and cheat on you because womanising is his culture. Worse still, both of them will blame you for being the cause of their actions. He/she who falls in love with a scorpion or cobra should not complain when it stings/bites him/her.

Staying in a toxic relationship eventually destroys your ability to love and to trust. It brings you to the point where you can't trust anyone anymore and you give up on love to settle for flings, single parenthood or adopting a child. When you catch your self saying men/women are all the same, cannot be trusted or are wicked, it is because you've been in a toxic relationship directly or you've watched someone close to you suffer from a toxic relationship. And that's where the devil would like to keep you so you'll miss out on the beautiful future/marriage God has in store for you.

It's amazing how one or two toxic relationships can make you label the opposite sex negatively. Even though you've not dated or met all the men on the earth, a toxic relationship will make you say things like all men are liars and cheats etc. That is because a toxic relationship poisons your perspective about the opposite sex with time; even though in reality, all men are not the same.

The reason many people today are scared of marriage is toxic relationships. They've either been in one or watched a loved one suffer from one. So you hear people say things like 'marriage is a necessary evil', 'marriage is bondage/prison' and 'I'd rather remain single'. When you see a single person who intentionally chooses to remain single, it's usually because they've been badly poisoned/wounded by a toxic relationship.

Continually enduring the toxic behaviour in a toxic relationship completely erodes your ability to be tender and kind and replaces it with harshness in words and behaviour. So even when you enter a new relationship, your new love unfortunately can't get the best of you anymore. All that is left is a shadow of you filled with harshness. It takes God alone to undo the effects of a toxic relationship.

A toxic relationship which involves sex tampers with your sexuality. It's either it leaves you frigid (unable to desire or enjoy sex) or it makes you a masochist who can't enjoy sex until it involves pain or violence. It may also make you a sex addict due to eroded self control because you now equate love with sex such that until a relationship involves sex, you can't believe that he/she loves you.

Poison is poison. Enduring a toxic relationship hoping that it will get better is surrendering your life to be an epitome of all these effects. When a drug's adverse effects outweighs its positive effects, the Doctor usually advises you to discontinue its use and recommends one with little or no side effects. The same thing applies to a toxic relationship. A toxic relationship is not out rightly bad; there are a few positive things about it. However, its negative effects are more which makes it dangerous and unsuitable. The first step is to call of the relationship. The second step is to get help and allow God heal you, undo these effects and restore you. You don't have to end up alone and loveless. You can learn to love again and enjoy a healthy relationship. Better things await you in future. The only way to get off the road of destruction and get the future you desire is to retrace your steps and chart a new course. Xoxo

Do you need help with breaking out from a toxic relationship? Do you need healing and restoration from the effects of a toxic relationship? I'll be glad to help. Email me on graceyokoye@yahoo.com

P. S. To know more about toxic relationships, click here, here, here, and here.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015


The word 'toxic' means anything that's acts like poison or has the effect of a poison. Poison doesn't kill instantly; it takes time before it starts taking effect. However, some poisons are slower than others. There are relationships that are poisonous to your life and destiny. Such relationships gradually eat you up in diverse areas of your life until they succeed in snuffing life out from you. Today, I'll like to open your eyes to this by showing you signs of a toxic relationship.

Abuse does not only refer to physical abuse or battery, it also includes emotional, mental or sexual abuse. Whether you're single or married, continued abuse and battery is toxic to your well being because it erodes your peace, your joy, your sanity, your confidence, your ability to function optimally and stay productive. What's worse, the longer you stay in it the more it destroys you.

When you're in a relationship with someone, and you begin to spend less time with God than you used to or your relationship with your family/ friends starts becoming cold, such a relationship (for single people) has become toxic. The right relationship will not reduce your love for God or zeal for his kingdom. It will also not stifle your relationship with your family or friends. It will instead enhance both.

Hello!!! There's more to life than dating o. There is a purpose for your life. A toxic relationship puts you in situations that make you sacrifice meaningful, purposeful life pursuits just to keep that relationship. When you're dating someone who clearly has a problem with your life pursuit (purpose/calling), it puts you in a fix where you have to choose between giving up your calling/purpose or lose the relationship. If you ever find yourself in that position, don't think twice before you pull the plug. The person you're dating is trying to become an Idol in your life by resisting God's purpose for your life, when he/she is supposed to be a helper. The last time I checked, God still hates it when we have idols (an Idol is anything or anyone who tries to control you to act in ways contrary to God's word, his ways or purpose). Sacrificing your life's pursuit may bring temporary peace in that relationship, but you will end up full of regrets here on earth and in the world to come.

Before I say anything, let me clarify that in a relationship, there is room for helping each other become better people. However, when a relationship seeks to change you into what God did not ordain you to be, it is equal to witchcraft (manipulation). For instance, when the person you're dating keeps complaining that you're too noisy or too friendly and wants you to become as quiet as a graveyard (which is contrary to how God designed you), you're in a toxic relationship. The right person for you will love that aspect of you because he/she has grace for you. The wrong person will keep trying to amend/change everything about you.

Two things a toxic relationship erode over time are PASSION and CONFIDENCE. Check that relationship; has it drained your passion and confidence or have your passion and confidence increased because of the relationship? Whatever be your answer will let you know if you're in a toxic relationship or not.

The essence of this post is to open your eyes to what a toxic (poisonous) relationship looks like. The opposite of a toxic relationship is a healthy relationship. No one eats poison and expects not to be poisoned. The end result of a toxic relationship is quite disastrous. A toxic relationship is not God's will for you. You lose a lot when you remain in such relationships. The best solution to a toxic relationship is to end it (just like the best solution to a drug with adverse reactions is to discontinue it's use). Receive strength and grace to walk out of that toxic relationship in Jesus name.

P.S. Keep a date with us tomorrow for the sequel to this post EFFECTS OF A TOXIC RELATIONSHIP.

Are you in a Toxic Relationship? Do you need to talk about It? Or do you desire counsel for one reason or the other? Email me on graceyokoye@yahoo.com

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