Tuesday, October 28, 2014

For the Guys: 20 Things You Should Know About Her

Hello there, how’s the month going? Like a dream, the month is slowly drawing to an end and so is the year. This post is dedicated to the guys and to everyone in a relationship. In short and concise terms, it gives direct insight that will help you understand the lady in your life and how to handle her. Happy reading!

1. Just like the mirror, what you give her is what you get in return. Show her love, she’ll reciprocate; play her, you get played.
2. She might seem hard, aggressive and difficult outwardly, but she needs love, support, encouragement and kindness to tame her.
3. Every good woman longs for a responsible man who will make her feel secure and allay her fears.
4. Give her security and she will pick up a gun to defend you.
5. Every girl deserves a guy who takes her out on a date, and does not touch her anywhere but her heart.
6. Don struggle; when she sees a future with you, she won't care about your past; so, stay you.
7. The best way to bring out her beauty is to give her genuine love and it’ll pop out like fine wine.
8. It's normal for couples to have disagreements but how you handle them shows her how mature you are when misunderstanding arise.

9. Once you make her lose your trust in a relationship, there are ways to get it back.  It just requires patience, time and a true desire to get it back
10. The easiest way to crush trust in your relationship is to compare her with your ex. She is her, and your ex is your ex.
11. Policing a woman is a waste of time; whatever she wants to do, she will do - with or without you.
12. She won't cheat on you not because she is SCARED of you, but because she RESPECTS you and desires to honour your relationship
13. Every woman is a queen. Assume your role as a king and you will be shocked where your queen will emerge from.
14. You have to go through the worst to get the best. Don't expect her to change overnight, wounds don't get healed instantaneously.
15. If you don't see yourself fulfilling purpose with her, she is somebody else's woman.
16. Every shoe comes in pairs. Discover your right co-pair and you’ll sleep on the "softest" pillow ever.
17. Before you met her, she had dreams and aspirations like "sister to sister"; don't kill it selfishly because you are the driver of the relationship. Instead, provide a premise to help her grow her aspirations.
18. Every mature woman needs you to be RESPONSIBLE and not just WEALTHY.
19. Your dress sense can raise a woman’s ego higher than her shoulders.
20. Apply these nuggets and tendencies are she'll love you far better than you ever imagined.

Written by
Tehila Godwin Olofu

Tehila Godwin Olofu is a Nigerian music producer with 360 studios Keffi with a new found passion for writing. He’s been dropping a lot of relationship and life nuggets lately and he will be sharing a few of them right here on the blog. He also has music tracks of his own, majoring mostly in gospel music of the reggae and dance hall genre. Jovial, funny, down to earth and skillful are a few words that best describe him. Plus, he's still single (yea, I just couldn't leave that out *wink*). Keep a date with him for more tips and nuggets on this blog as he will be dropping by more often.

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